SurfWatch Wildlife Series - Monkey Cove

Submitted by Austin Novaland

Who's watching the waves?  You might be surprised.  SurfWatch is, of course, but sometimes we have a little help.  This is an ongoing series capturing the non-avatar wildlife at surfing and beach sims.  If you'd like to contribute to this series, either with your own photos or with sim suggestions, please let us know.

While it was a surprise to find no primates patrolling SurfWatch partner sim, Monkey Cove, there is certainly an abundance of wildlife...or "tamelife" in some cases.  Birdwatchers will find plenty of feathered friends.  Those who prefer underwater fauna will be equally rewarded.  Bring your board, your scuba gear, binoculars, and perhaps a friend or two.


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1 comment:

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

This is one of my favorite series! Can't wait to see where you're headed next!