Call for Surf Camp Instructors

Submitted by Mick Lunasea

Hey SLurfers!

It's time for Surf Camp 2019!  We're starting the recruitment process for anyone interested in instructing on any surf related classes!

Please send this notecard back to any of the following people with the below information filled out.

Subject (board or other):
Availability (day and time):
We hope to run this for the week of March 1st to March 10th.

Subject can be any surfboard or any relevant surf topic.

Location can be any beach of your choosing as long as it doesn't require a fee for the students and it has the appropriate rezzer.

Please try to give more than one day of availability in case there are time conflicts. This does not require you to teach all of the times you give.

We hope to run this for the week of March 1st to March 10th.
Thanks for participating! It's gonna be a lot of fun!

Solsty Kismet
Kris Marley
Mick Lunasea


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