SurfWatch Flickr Favorites - Kantbe Thursday

"sunset at surfers bay" - posted courtesy of  M8ty Resident - see full-sized version on Flickr

Kantbe Thursday comments: I like the visual of this one because it’s a near silhouette and leaves a lot to the imagination. I can imagine her so absorbed in the beauty and feel of her surroundings that she loses a sense of herself and “becomes one with nature” (Ick… OK.. I said that).

I can also imagine that she’s one of the half of the creatures in the Universe who got zapped in the Infinity Wars…

SurfWatch editors will periodically be featuring Flickr Favorites to share in SurfWatch.  We'd love to see your talent displayed in the pages of SurfWatch.  Share your photo to SurfWatch's Flickr group and maybe we'll pick your photo to feature next. 


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1 comment:

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

Wow, this one is gorgeous! Great pic, Kant!