VSA / Hana Aloha Splash-n-Dash Sign-ups!

Re-posted from Vibrations Surf Alliance (VSA) group notification

Splash-n-Dash Sign-ups!
Sun, Dec 09 2018 12:36:31 AM PST

Aloha - TODAY is the day folks!

If you would like to ride next Sunday just send me a notecard:
"Dude, sign me up for Splash-n-Dash!"

Heat times / Event packs going out on Wednesday / Thursday.
Event overview NC attached.


Event notecard:

VSA / Hana Aloha Splash-n-Dash

The Splash-n-Dash will be a Timed Heats event with a very limited number of surfers. (16)
This format lends itself to some very fast and furious fun. In order to keep things moving quickly
we need you to stay sharp ;-)

Surfers will grab as many waves as they can before the horn sounds ending the heat. Remember however that the surfer with the inside line has priority and shoulder-hopping is a no no! If for any reason a surfer on the inside line needs to bail we ask that they please paddle well out of the approach. In the event of a crash/freeze the next rider should continue paddling in for his/her drop.

PRE-LIM Heats (4) will be 10 minutes in length.
The top 2 waves for each rider will be totaled and averaged and the top 2 from each heat will advance to one of 2 semis.

SEMI Heats (2) will be 15 minutes in length.
The top 2 waves for each rider will be totaled and averaged and the top 2 from each heat will advance to the Final.

The Final will be 20 minutes in length and your top THREE (3) waves will be totaled and averaged.

The Splash-n-Dash (much like Surf-Jam) is Surfers Choice! Ride what you have the most fun on!
Having said that.....because sl surfboards vary so much in as much as what they are capable of according to the scripts used...a few things to keep in mind ;-)

Your scores will be with regard to the board you are using. In other words and as an example: continuous ass-over-elbow rolls on a C-3 may or may not score higher than smooth, controlled bottom turns on a......Flow board ;-)

Let´s face it......judging ANYTHING anywhere, anytime is.....subjective. Add to that server lag, client lag, sim lag, crashes, glitches in the matrix of any number of kinds and "judging" a surf event in SL is....what it is.

However, wave usage, flow, smoothness, control, and tricks (in that order) are what the judges look for.

Unfortunately the one thing that is impossible to put a score on is also the most important and that is....How much fun a surfer is having! The good news is that although you can´t get a score for having fun it can still be measured. The surfers around you can feel it. They can hear it and see it. So have fun and take "scores" with a grain of salt ;-)

The judges (4) are on a rotating cam-lock sequence. This means that if each surfer gets 3, 4 or even 5 waves in their heat, ALL of the judges will have submitted a score for each surfer. So rest assured (?) that someone has a lock on you at all times ;-)

This event format is great for FAST paced fun but it requires a few things from you to make it work.

As we try to only have 5-7 minute gaps between the pre-lim heats it is super important that your be rashied up and ready to Splash TEN minutes prior to you heat!

Shoulder-Hopping: Just don´t. Plenty of time to get your waves in. Just give the rider on the inside line to the shoulder the right of way and grab the next one :-)

Heat Clock: Keep an eye on the heat clock! It gets to 00.00 before you paddle in...your late.

Watch the Shout text!
Keep a close eye on MY public text. Hard to do when the airwaves get clogged with folks having way to much fun but real important to help us keep things moving at a frenzied pace.

Thanks and have fun @ Splash-n-Dash!

Contact VW Sands to register of for more info.

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