Kia Kaha Revelation

submitted by Dillan Munro
photos by Leanne Mordue
Here is a different sort of surfing beach; most have plenty of sand running down to the beach, and there is certainly some here. However, the flora is everywhere: trees, bushes, flowers! The creator has generated something unique that is a joy for the eyes to behold. Mountains rise from the lagoon where the surf waves build, and there is plenty of eye-catching off sim details to admire.  
Once you arrive at the landing zone, a gentle walk awaits with a meandering trail down to the beach. It leads through plenty of plantings and is a pleasant stroll along a sand and grass surface. The beach is rated Moderate, so wear your swim trunks or bikini; at least for a while ! There are several little hideaways for lovers, but you have to explore to find them.  
The home of the Vibrations Surf Alliance is here, with board rezzers, campfires, and a nice dance surface at the waterfront. There are surfboard rezzers at water's edge, and the waves are great from beginner to expert alike. The sets come in random fashion, so wait for 'your' wave and enjoy!  
A bit off the beaten path, set up in the hills just a bit is a secluded cabin where lovers, or good friends, can get comfortable and cuddle a bit. The view from there is quite wonderful, with plenty of trees and bushes and still a view of the waves.  
When the thighs need a break from the board and the waves, it's worthwhile to just walk around here and enjoy the beauty of the plantings. There is something for everyone here, and as mentioned earlier it's far from the sand covered beaches most of us are used to.  
All in all, it's a relaxing place to visit, and surfers will find plenty of great waves to stoke the fever. Happy surfing!

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