Getting to Know your SurfWatch Staff: Kantbe Thursday

SurfWatch will be introducing you to the 2018 staff members that make SurfWatch so special!  We'll use a different format to hopefully bring you a side of our team that you've never seen before.  First up, SurfWatch Managing Editor, Kantbe Thursday.

Kante started Second Life (SL) back in 2007 and has been a staple of Second Life SL surfing since she started.  Her story:  "Desi (Desirae Beaumont) got me started surfing. I used to manage a club. Part of my job was keeping up with the rental ad boards. Desi and Bobbi (Laval) had a special arrangement with the owner in that they were the only club he would let advertise. Desi had one of the best looking ad boards in the whole place.  And there were tons of ads. They'd advertise, "Come for the babes...Stay for the waves".  I met her one morning when she dropped in to pay for her ads.  I ended up going to look at the small club and live venue she and Bobbi had. I started working for them a little. They got their own sim, Bounty (maybe Bounty Reef) and set up surfing, the club, a small shop that had surfboards, and a live music venue. Desi and Bobbi showed me how to surf there.  I think that was 2009".
Kantbe winning SurfWatch 2nd Annual Surfboard Design contest 2010

Kantbe has a list of awards to her credit that
she will never mention:

Angel Award 2017 Season 2
Hall of Fame Induction 2011 Season 2 
Angel Award 2011 Season 2
SurfWatch 2nd Annual Surfboard Design Contest 2010 - 1st Place
SurfJam 13 2009 2nd Place 

And a list of SL jobs:

SurfWatch Managing Editor.  Prior to becoming Managing Editor, she had a regular series in SurfWatch and also posted on her own blog;
Beach Manager for T'ai, Chi, Bundy Reef, Bluff Cove, Solace Beach in addition to Wave Report updates and distribution 


Kantbe Thursday

Up To No Gooder, Level 3

How many items in your inventory?

What are you listening to right now?
Can’t Stop Me (Club Mix)

What was the last thing you ate?
Yogurt with granola and almonds
Can you drive a stick shift?
You bet

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

Last person you spoke to on the phone?
Robocall about a special health offer (they hung up when I insisted upon knowing which Health Center they referenced at the beginning of the call)

How old are you today?
Old, old, old

Favorite drink?!
Gin Martini
What's your favorite sport to watch?
Tiddly Winks, but only during the Olympics

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Not now.  I had the best dog in the Universe and just can’t face having and losing another.

Favorite food?
Cheese Burgers

Last movie you watched?
Murder on the Orient Express

Favorite day of year?
Thursday… oh wait… there’s more than one of those a year.  My birthday because I always celebrate it for a week.
What do you do to vent your anger?
Ride my motorcycle and chill

What was your favorite toy as a child?
My bicycle

What’s your favorite season?

Hugs or Kisses?
Kisses accompanied by hugs

Cherry or blueberry?

Which of your friends is most likely to also take this survey?

Who is least likely to take it?

When was the last time you laughed?
This morning
When was the last time you cried?
Last night, but it was a happy cry

What is on the floor of your closet?
Besides dust bunnies?  Shoes

Favorite smells?
Bakery after they’ve made a bunch of bread.  Leather stores.
Who inspires you?
I’m easily influenced, there’s not just one person.
What are you afraid of?

Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers?
Kantbe, Tauri, and some chubby dude sleeping at
Bundy Beach
Favorite car?
Don’t have a favorite car, but I’d sure like a nice new Harley Heritage Classic Softail.

Favorite cat breed?

Number of keys on your key ring?
One.  I use a different key ring for each vehicle and don’t carry a house or work key.
How many years in your current job?

How many states have you lived in?

Do you think you're fun?
Not really. I have a tendency to slip into my serious side.

Favorite Tree?
Shagbark Hickory (go fig’r)
Long-time partners, Tanya and Kantbe

Favorite all time music?
Good A Capella choral or choral that really enhances a movie score (

Is it OK to publish your answers on SurfWatch (censored for Moderate content, of course):
You bet
When asked to describe Kantbe in one sentence:

Tanya Palianta: Kan is smart, inquisitive, supportive, funny, big hearted and damned sexy.

Cierra Theriac-Triton: Kantbe is one of the craziest, funniest, most kindhearted person I have ever met. I love her to pieces.  

Solsty Kismet: Kantbe is a truly dedicated surf ninja. She's the ghost that cleans up your beach litter and makes sure all the beaches are connected. She is the true backbone of our community.

Sally LaSalle:  Kantbe is a weaver of social fabric, carefully connecting strings, knotting knots, bonding bonds and bringing people together.   She will go a mile out of her way to help anyone that asks, but seeks nothing in return.  In a weary world, Kantbe is a warm shining gem, and all who know her are blessed with that warmth.

Gia Villano-Tritan: I was asked by Tauri to come up with a quote to describe Kantbe.  Where to begin I thought. My mind began to escape in all directions when thinking of what to say.  As I sat on the beach thinking, I was immediately envisioning a lighthouse.  Houses that guided lost sailors home with a beacon of light.   Then I began to think of the word Thursday, which comes from the Norse god Thor. Thorsday a day to celebrate the god of thunder.  Who else can brighten the day with a ray of light like a lighthouse and guide our souls home?  It can't be anyone else, but Kantbe Thursday.  She has been the beacon of life, the guiding light, for me, for us, for all in the surfing community.  I was asked to say a few words, but that would be impossible to capture what this amazing person means to us all. 


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