Kantbe Serious: Giants of Surfing

Submitted by Kantbe Thursday

Lately, we’ve see SurfWatch interviews of the real greats in SL surfing.  People who include some who were imaginative creators of the sport of surfing in SL, some who pulled people together to form what we know as the SL Surfing Association, some of the best surfers of their time in competitions, and some who have contributed a lot to furthering the sport in SL.

That’s all fine and that’s all great, but I would like to introduce y’all to the only true giant of surfing in SL, Sapok (shkebesh15).

I was exploring public surfing sims and was visiting bg5 Slade’s two sims, THE LOST CRUISE SHIP - a tropical Wasteland  and The Abandoned Beach Resort .

I was focused on the waves and didn’t notice when I tripped over what I thought was the roots of a big tree.  When I picked myself up and checked out the roots, they weren’t roots at all, they were the largest high heels I’ve seen in my life.  Looking up, I could see the tree trunk was a leg and further up (nearly in the clouds, I could make out what appeared to be a blond woman.

“Hello”, I say… nothing… nada… crickets… she totally ignored me.  Then I realize she was so tall, she probably couldn’t hear me.  Shouting hello made all the difference.  I found out that her name is Sapok and that she was exploring the beach just like me.  She hadn’t tried the surfing yet, so I suggested we go over to where bg had set up some loaner rezzers.  We changed into bathing suits and headed over.

Sapok hadn’t surfed before, so I rezzed a C-3 for her to try.  I could tell right away, there might be an issue.  The board seemed to disappear when she sat on it.  Being a good sport, Sapok paddled (well, looked more like she just swam) out to catch a wave.  She got up on the board on her first try.  At least I think she was on the board, either that or I was having a religious experience involving a variation of walking on water.

Sapok stayed upon the wave all the way to the beach.  I’ll have to admit, though, that the large Maoli wave looked more like a fluff when Sapok was on it.

All in all, it was great fun.  And how many times in one’s life does one get an opportunity to meet one of the real Giants in SL Surfing?

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1 comment:

Nash Laville said...

Wow. Just...wow Kant! I have always had a thing for tall blondes but.... wow.