SLSA Sim Fundraiser and "Surf Off" Mini Comp Coming Up Sunday!!!

Sunday July 29th
11:00am SL Time
Solace Dreams
Spectator Stands will be at Coronado Beach.

Music, dancing, surfing, raffle, and a little something new.
Nico will be our DJ for this event. Raffle boards will be up for a chance to win cool prizes, including clothes, jewelry, a Hyperwave, and Surfboard.

Mini-Comp will feature surfing in a "surf off" tie-breaker format. Each heat will be two surfers, each getting only one wave to see who moves on to the next heat. And because this is a fundraiser, and to keep things interesting, spectators will be able to bet on the outcome of each heat.

To enter the "Surf Off" sign up here:
Entries will be limited to the first 16 surfers that sign up. If you are having problems signing up, contact the EC Bobbi Laval, or the Beach Marshal Sally LaSalle.

See you there !!!

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