Body Surfing In Virtual Worlds!!

You will not believe what Kayaker Magic just had me test here in Virtual Highway at Breakers Point-BODY SURFING!! Body Surfing will allow you to swim in the water on your sim in Second Life or Open Simulator grids. Your avatar is animated to crawl, glide or tread water. You can bodysurf on Ocean Engineering Waves, but if you run into an Ocean Engineering rock, you could get stuck until the next wave comes by to wash you off! Body surfing also allows you to swim in Ocean Engineering White Water Rivers. Body Surfing works as a "bodysurf base" vehicle that you can leave on the beach. It can be marked private or you can allow your friends to use them. It's COPY so you can leave several out for your friends and visitors. Do you live up in a skybox? Body Surfing also works at altitude! You can install one next to your skybox and swim out onto your water prim, into the air, or on "Sky Water" available from Ocean Engineering. Waves and other features will complete your skybox environment. can be seen at his VH SIM Panthalassa home of Ocean Engineering

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