Light & Shadow Show

"Light & Shadow Version 3.0"

comes with a surf board line based on the shadow theme

Saturday 12  PM SLT (noon) 9 PM german time

The exhibited pictures are a mixture of real life photography and SL snapshots. They refer to a status of being somehow there and in the same time not totally being there. A way of presence that has a relation to the shadow, which needs something physic and light to appear, but is not physic itself - similar to our presence in this virtual world. We are here, but yet somehow connected to the "real world" and our virtual being is at least in a mental way based on our everyday self. The perception of this world is subjective as the colorizing of the pictures.

The surfboardline is based on a photo series of shadows. It was developed in the process of creating this exhibition. Those shadow boards let "your self" glide through the virtual worlds.

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