Tauri's Tidbits and Sticky Situations #4

We were recently having a convo about Second Life (SL) situations and talking about SL etiquette - is there such a thing? You know, the kinds of things you run into in SL and are not sure of the proper way to handle. We'll be periodically posting these dilemmas and looking for genuinely constuctive feedback on your opinion. If you have a comment or a dilemma of your own, let us know and we'll add it to the list!

Is it okay if your friend asks you specifically about your hair, your eyes, your skin, your shape and shows up the next day as the spitting image of you?

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Kantbe Thursday said...


However.... anyone got those details on Lynda?

Rod Ambrose said...

Dear Dilemma

Recently a certain person i know had reached the point of having a single brain cell due to an impossible situation of being preggers blonde and a brit all at once...the thing is she tends to leave trash all over our island, accidentally remove stuff that is hard to recreate and over all tweaking and cracking sounds coming off her head while she thinks...what should i tell her? would bitch slap her fat*zz help? HELP!

Kantbe Thursday said...

I love it!

The birth of the Dear Dilemma column!

Colleen Brennan said...

Let me ask my new alt Toree Tigerfoot. She seems to be very wise.

Kekoa Arbizu said...

rotflmao! omg, i spit on my keyboard laughing, now you can add drooling to the list..lol