SLSA Announces Clarification of Sim Funding

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) has posted a "clarification" of SLSA funding and the funding of the Archipelago sim.  In essence, the SLSA will be separating costs "required for the primary mission and activities of the SLSA" from funding required for the Archipelago sim tiers (25,000L).  The Board states they will "try to achieve the goal of funding the monthly sim tier from sources other than the competition budget."  The Board will contribute a limit of 5000L of SLSA general funds towards the cost of the sim tiers if other funding activity for the sim falls short by the 16th of each month (tier due date); however, if the shortfall exceeds 5000L, the SLSA will release Archipelago.  The avatar, Salsa Waverider, is the account created to hold Archipelago specific funds.

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SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

Dear Anonymous: You have a legitimate point and SurfWatch would like to post your comment. However, our general policy is to not post anonymous comments (except in some rare circumstances). Would you repost with an identifier? Thank you for reading SurfWatch and for your interest in SL surfing!

Kantbe Thursday said...

Dear Anonymous, If you want to remain anonymous to the general community, but would still like your feedback heard, please IM me or drop me a NC. I won't share your identity, but will get your feedback to the rest of the Directors in such a way it will not divulge your identity.

The Directors are there to represent the members. Your feedback is an important gauge for how well we're doing that. Please don't go unheard.

- Kantbe