New Lifeguard at Mori Pwani

submitted by Jimbo the Cartboy

It seems there's been a lot of funny business going on at Mori Pwani Beach lately. Recently there have been numerous reports of questionable behavior and shenanigans going on over there. Reports of certain lifeguards (whom will remain nameless) spending more time in the guard shack drinking beer and watching cute girls in bikinis rezzing their surfboards, than actually saving distressed surfers out in the water. Numerous reports of substance abuse, disorderly conduct, and an illegal gambling operation have also drawn both concern and outrage from people throughout the surfing community.
Recently, community do-gooder, Bandit, has been called in as a new lifeguard at Mori Pwani to keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior and to watch for life guards and other staff members engaged in unethical behavior. With Bandit on the scene, surfers can rest assured that their beaches will be safe from slackers, griefers, drama queens, vampires more persistent than mosquitoes, streakers, litter bugs, and other silly people that make the beaches unsafe. You’re always in good paws with Bandit!

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Anonymous said...

Yay! Way to go, Bandit!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Way to go, Bandit! good ole dog!

Lissa Pinion said...

Bandit, be sure to talk to our HR dept about your benefits and pay package aka doggie treats and rope balls. :-)

Boracay Hotels said...

Wow great, where exactly located this mori in boracay???

Tanya Gemarin

Lissa Pinion said...

Mori Pwani is located at:

Sunrize Mornington said...

WTG Bandit! My favorite dog of all time! (How do streakers make the beach unsafe?)