Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

SurfWatch has done what it does best for over two years - sharing Second Life (SL) surfing, the culture, the people, supporting the sims, the retailers, featuring the surfers, the competitions, the festivals, the events, the scores, the heat draws, and the things that are of interest to SL surfers.  We have supported as many SL surfing organizations, venues, businesses and individuals as we could with linden, free publicity, sponsorships, prize money, feature stories, etc.  We have logged in during hectic real life (RL) situations to post a heat draw or a competition result so that information would be available to the community.  SurfWatch has not made a profit off of any sponsorships but has turned any linden back to the surf community to sponsor other organizations, support SL surfing retailers by purchasing merchandise, and keep the linden recycling thru the surf community. 

Our contributors and editors work tirelessly for free.  They research stories; take pictures; edit and post; follow leads; prepare intelligent interviews; attend events; investigate and do all this while trying to do other activities, have relationships and jobs, and they do this because they believe in what SurfWatch has worked hard to achieve.  Our contributors and editors are the surf community - the people you find teaching new surfers, working at competition events, running surf sims, selling surfing merchandise, working on the SLSA Board; supporting other SL surfing organizations in many ways, devoting additional time to other SL surfing projects.

There will be other organizations that try to take SurfWatch's place; other blogs that try to copy us; other magazines that emulate us, other videos that use our ideas.  SurfWatch certainly won't be around forever - 2+ years is a very very long time in SL years already, and those that copy off the original ideas of others are always waiting for an opportunity.  SurfWatch stands unique in what it has tried to achieve and how it has accomplished those goals.  I am proud of the creativity, integrity, and tenacity of the core that has made up this very extraordinary, novel project of SurfWatch.

Tauri Tigerpaw

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Colleen Brennan said...

Thank you Barc and Tauri always. there may be imitators but I have not heardof them and doubt I will because SW gives me everything right hear.

CK Delicioso said...

Nothing will ever come close to what surfwatch has achieved for us all.We all appreciate the hard work and effort that goes into making this, simply the best publication in SL. Not only do the majority of surfers, look to surfwatch, to find out whats going on in our community, we also all look forward to the intellegent, funny, and informative reporting that goes hand in hand with this publication.A massive hug to all the surfwatch team! We love you all.. Muuaaaahhh! xxxxxxxx

Sunshine Zhangsun said...

Yes, SurfWatch definitely provides a tremendous amount of information to the Surfing Community...updated daily...quick and easy to find as well! I'm with Colleen, not sure where those imitators are either, guess I haven't been looking for them.

Jimbo said...

SurfWatch truly captures the spirit of SL Surfing. An great team writing great things about a great community of great people!

Syx Toshi said...

Who are these imitators? In my own experience everyone associated with SurfWatch are great people! In the past there have been others that have tried to get something going, but without the dedication and leadership they didn’t make it past the second issue, and some never published their first issue. To be honest I think SurfWatch should have a plaque in the SLSA HOF. Not many have done more to make surfing in SL more inviting then SurfWatch.

Bandit said...

I love all my pals at SurfWatch!
And all my pals that read SurfWatch!!!

Anonymous said...

Imatation begins in infancy. Infants' ability to match the sounds or gestures of an adult depends on an interactive process of turn-taking over many successive trials, in which adults' instinctive behavior plays as great a role as that of the infant. It is infantile to imitate.

Miles Shoreland said...

I second Syx' sentiments that SurfWatch should indeed have a plaque in the SLSA HOF.