Advertise with SurfWatch!

Advertise with SurfWatch!

SurfWatch Volume 6 is now in production and seeking advertisers! Get out your message and brand name to a wide group of people. In addition to the SurfWatch blog which averages almost 100 visits daily, the in-world magazine is available through over 13 vendors in over 10 sims, as well as directly distributed to the SurfWatch in-world group containing over 100 people, and the Second Life Associated Press group also receives copies. Additionally, each volume is published on, where they average approximately 390 readers per issue. As you can see, this is a fantastic way to get your information out!*

Affordable and effective, there are several ways to advertise with SurfWatch:

For SurfWatch.blogspot.comBlog Rates:

A member of the staff will do a "front page" write up of your venue, sim, event, service, etc. with an inserted photo with 24 hour "front page" exposure. (Posting may be bumped for breaking news, then reposted as "front page" to complete the 24 hour exposure). - 2,500L

Sidebar Advertisement:

150L per day - minimum of 7 day run required. Includes one 100x100 ad placed on the blog sidebar giving it 24/7 exposure. If booked for 14 days, a discount is issued and total fee is 1,750L

For SurfWatch In-World Edition:These advertisements will be published in the next available in-world publication. If you would like to request a specific quarter please let us know and we can discuss upcoming release dates.

2 pages spread - 3,000L - size: 768x512
1 page - 2,000L - size: 384x512
1/2 page wide - 1,200L - size: 384x256
1/2 page tall - 1,000L - size: 192x512
1/3 page column - 500L - size: 128x512
1/8 page blurb - 300L - size: 192x128

All sizes are width x height

Combo Packs:

Epic - 2 page spread, 1 review, and 2 week run in sidebar - 4,500L
Pipes - 1 page spread, 1 review, and 1 week run in sidebar - 3,000L
Fluffy - 1/2 page orientation choice, 1 week run in sidebar - 2,000L
Sea spray - 1/3 page column, 4 day run in sidebar - 900L
Ripples - 1/8 page blurb, 1 announcement or review - 400L

Contact Ashleigh Dickins or Tauri Tigerpaw and get the exposure you are looking for!

*Note: Numbers tallied as of March, 2010

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