SL's Newest Family

Mick Lunasea and Revlon Benoir are proud to announce a new addition to their Second Life (SL) family with the adoption of their new little grommet, Kalif Christenson, aged 10.  Revy says, "He has my hair and Mick's surfing style."  Mick comments, "Hes a good grom, minds his manners and is a little ripper."  Kalif adds, "Is speechless and honored to be the son of Revy and Mick now (smiles)."  Kalif comes just in time to lend a hand with Mick and Revy's Surf Fest taking place at the end of this month.

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Jimbo said...

Congrads Revlon and Mick!
Familys are wonderful!
Enjoy the great times to come!


Unknown said...

Mick! This better not be your way of getting out of mowing the front yard and not inviting me over for a beer anymore brother.