Surf Camp Week: Shilow Carter's Board, Wave Physics and Surf Etiquette

Speaking to a full house sprawled along the sand at Hummingbird Point, Shilow "Shi" Carter covered, among other things, how to find the "push" in the wave and the board; how to modify the board for your preferences while still maintaining compliance with Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) competition regulations; as well as facilitating an interesting group discussion on etiquette, how to get the word out about the wave line up, not sitting on a wave rezzing zone, and teaching newcomers who may be a bit intimidated about being new to the sport without being heavy handed.  The class was held in voice but she was prepared to do chat for those that didn't have voice capability.  Among the attendees was Mick Lunasea, Julz Rainfall, Solsty Kismet, Kris Marley, Bodhi Lowtide, Moonie Kismet, Frankie Edon and more.  Shi will be hosting the HP5 Surf class at Hummingbird Point Friday at noon SLT.

There are more classes to come - check the posted updated schedule or the Events sidebar and come on out!


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