Placement in the Finals:
1. Wil DeCuir 19.333
2. Desirae Beaumont 18.916
3. WickedV Carver 18.583
4. Sassy1Fizzle 17.833
5. Abel Halderman 17.583
And Scores from the earlier heats of the competition:
Heat One:
1. Desirae Beaumont 16.75
2. Triston Mayo 17.166
3. Kika Arnahan - no show
4. Bobbi Laval 15.833
5. Vy Roux 13.75
Heat Two:
1. WickedV Carver 16.500
2. Followingwaves Sirbu 14.916
3. Ucalegon Zarco 14.00
4. Sassy1 Fizzle 15.083
5. Brigit Ranger 13.25
Heat Three:
1. Colleen Brennan 14.666
2. Asyah Thorne 13.166
3. Wil DeCuir 13.666
4. Blood Klotzel - no show
5. Robbin Ember - no show
Heat Four:
1. Abel Halderman 16.25
2. Droxy Hammerthall - 0.00
3. Noie Randt 16.00
4. Kim Henig 15.25
5. Rachelle Seetan 15.50
Semi One:
1. Triston Mayo 16.666
2. Desirae Beaumont 17.25
3. Colleen Brennan 16.75
4. Wil DeCuir 18.25
Semi Two:
1. WickedV Carver 16.583
2. Sassy1 Fizzle 16.583
3. Abel Halderman 18.166
4. Noie Randt 15.75
WOOT ! CONGRATULATION AND RESPECT TO ALL RIDERS ! FAKT SALUTES YOU !!! --- and me personally really ask myself...why the hell nobody comment the results :-)) ... DONT TALK. RIDE. ... ride more ...much more. Doxx//
I had a blast judging this comp. Especially with judge-in-training QUENCH in our booth! Everyone did good, though there were some lag spikes and bad runs (one that stands out: Colleen's 'someone sent me inventory in the middle!!' haha boy how often does that happen?) The semis and finals rocked with some great surfing and wave usage! Bravo everyone!!
Its always good when there is "wave usage"!...love that Ash! hahahaha
Great job by everybody!
Ouch that wave hurt Ashleigh. I am happy to add that it was just bad timing on the part of friend giving back some things they borrowed for a party. Good thing we get three waves!
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