Breaking news: SurfWatch business correspondent and investigative reporter, Rhett McMahn, incarcerated for,
"Violation of the Second Life Terms of Service or Community Standards. The violation in question occurred on August 8, 2009, in the region of Surf Love.
Violation: Disturbing the Peace: Repetitive Content, Spamming Repeatedly and/or persistently transmitting undesired content, whether by IM, chat, notecard, object or texture drop, or email to another Resident is unacceptable.
Action: As a result of this violation, your Second Life account is being temporarily suspended for a period of 1 days. It will return to active status on Sunday, Aug 09, 2009."
When asked for a statement from his LL holding cell, McMahn states, "Look... Bel (Beloved Avril) and I were having a conversation in IM. She was crazy saying I had wrote something about her. I ain't never said a word about Beloved Avril to ANYONE! Next thing ya know the cops are busting my ass out of my hammock and I'm face planted in the rock! I don't know what the hell she was thinking? I never spammed her sim? I haven't been there since June!"
MDSTreasurer Sixpence, an officer for MadDawg Sports and Entertainment, a company owned by McMahn, commented in a brief statement. "Mr. McMahn is only speaking to friends, employees, and family. At this time, an appeal has been filed by support ticket. Mr. McMahn is innocent of what he is accused. Mr. McMahn has agreed that any interviews will be conducted by his editor-in-chief from SurfWatch, Tauri Tigerpaw. Any other inquiries of Mr. McMahn will have to wait until after the SLSA opening competition. Let us not forget folks, Mr. McMahn is a Professional Surfer. Tricks like this could cost him dearly, and ::MD:: does not take that lightly!"
When asked if she wished to make a statement whether she was involved with these charges being filed against McMahn because of the Surf Love region as the violation occurrence, Avril stated, "Suspended? Really? comment. I have no idea why he would have been suspended. Wasn't me." She agrees they had a disagreement but that she didn't A.R. him over it.
Avril and McMahn's disagreement allegedly stemmed over the SW Resurrection post (editors note: see Resurrection blog, August 7, 2009, in SW), altho there was no mention of Avril having any ties made to Austin in that post other than her own public comments linking them. Avril denies being Dharma Austin and knowing or ever meeting Austin, altho both Austin and Avril share the same business partner. Austin "died" on March 3, 2009. Beloved Avril appeared in SL November 22, 2008. Witnesses recall Avril was identified as a founder of MUST (Metaverse United Surfers Tour), altho that affiliation has since been changed. She is involved in retailing various items to the SL surf community, and she is involved in various surfing organizations in addition to being a founder of the Kathy Griffin fan club group. Avril stated in a public posting to Kathy Griffin's website on Wednesday, August 05, 2009 5:33 pm, "I may be 50 years old but I adore Kathy. Im her biggest fan. I play the virtual reality game "Second Life" and I've formed a fan club but no one will join. It's called "Join the D LIST KISS NO a$$" - you see there are avatar "surfers" in this game yah I mean they surf on a board on fake water and compete! anyway it is soooooooo elitist and they all act like A Listers so I am the "rebel" and no one likes me. I am nice I promise! I just don't Kiss a$$ so I'm always saying I'd rather be on the D List than on the A List with you Assholes! They hate me!..." Yours truly, Beloved Avril". She was also a founder of Brass Ovaries, a women's group which no longer exists in SL, but which was coincidentally also the name of a women's group founded by Dharma Austin.
Longhard Rhode, founder of Saints of Hell Motorcycle club and sim, and SL live singer, will be holding a concert tonight, Sunday, August 9, at Southern Oasis at 9 PM SLT (106, 161, 23) and donating all of the proceeds to the Free Rhett McMahn legal fund.
SurfWatch is an SL surf world reporting blog and has no intention, involvement or interest in RL information. However, falsely accusing SurfWatch members in order to have them suspended from investigating SL events only serves to involve SurfWatch further. Was the attempt by Clare Abbey, one of Austin's alts, to purchase SurfWatch also an attempt to silence SurfWatch? SurfWatch will keep readers informed.

Don't you have something better to do Tauri besides run a SL National Enquirer. I was at home minding my own business when you IM'd me about Rhett. I had no idea. But obviously this wasn't his first offense. LL doesn't just suspend people unless they've been AR'd in the past. I have NO beef with SW whatsoever, other than the fact that your mention of my name , beloved, however innocent it may have been, has caused me alot of grief. That is what I was talking to Rhett about. Honestly and really I have no connection to Dharma Austin or Clare Abbey and I will not comment on it again. Everyone can think what they want I cannot control what little pea brains want to think. I have much better things to do like make clothes and bikinis for my customers. As far as the Kathy Griffin website? was that me? or someone using my name? Or maybe? just maybe I am Kathy Griffin? I mean really...get a life...I think SW has fried your brain. If I had an employee and my start reporter suspended from SL I doubt I would advertise it. Obvisouly he must have done something wrong or LL would not have suspended him without so much as a warning. I think this whole story is hilarious and oh wait...thanks again for the publicity. As they say even bad publicity is better than none at all! HAHAHAHAH
I am really not understanding how his account being suspended for a day hurts his "pro surfing", no offense, but I dont remember seeing him compete in one pro comp, also, why is it Surfwatch cant report on something as important as ripping, important enough that a Director pulled his boards,but yet you can report on some squabble between two people about um nothing?? It's too bad this fake death and a fight is what is chosen to write about, is this the new enquirer of SL?
"She was also a founder of Brass Ovaries, a women's group which no longer exists in SL, but which was coincidentally also the name of a women's group founded by Dharma Austin."
At least get it right Tauri. There is a group i founded called Brass Ovaries (c) and it still exists and has members, Loken Jewell, Rhea Riel, Kohana Schimmer, etc.among others men ANDN women so it is not a women's group. Check their profiles. I thought of it and formed it as I thought it was cute. I later left. I had no idea a Dharma Austin also founded such a group. Where is the documentation for that? If you are going to post blog stories post the truth please. Also, I sent you a notecard last night which obviously you did not read asking you to clarify the mention of my name in the "Dharma" article which says "Dharma Austin..., beloved by some, ...." because I am getting hammered with IMs by people thinking that meant I was Dharma when I don't think that is what you meant to imply at all. Or am I wrong about that? Did you MEAN to imply it? If so, then why would you want to imply something? If you do not have the truth then do not post it as a reputable story. You are the one losing credibility here.
I have no idea who posted on K. Griffin's website but it sure was not me. Is this a setup? I have no idea about SW anymore as to what you are capable of. For one thing I would NEVER post that I am 50 because I am not a day over 37. So really, again, stop this madness.
Dear Anonymous,
SW would love to post your comment, however, it is our policy to not allow anonymous comments for most postings. Thank you for reading SurfWatch and please feel free to comment including identification.
Aurora, could you please clarify on your comment regarding "ripping" either here or via e-mail or even in world? I am trying to think of the directors who would have pulled boards, and since you said he I guess it would be Abel, VW or Robin, and I don't recall a board line for Abel so I'm guessing VW or Robin, just not sure which.
Also, Beloved, your name was not mentioned in the Dharma post. The word beloved existed long before your name, and does apply to Dharma as evidenced by the numerous people attempting to induct her into the hall of fame. Infact, I had not even noticed the use of it until you complained. Also it is well known that Dharma had this group and members of the surf community still within SL were members of that group as well.
SurfWatch does post facts, and remain impartial letting the readers draw their own conclusions. A practice you should thank your lucky stars we believe in firmly.
Back to Aurora, I can't comment on Rhett's professional surfer status, however that statement was from his direct associations, not a SurfWatch assertion. As far as a fight 'over nothing' it sure seems Linden Labs didn't deem it over nothing since they have infact suspended an account. And for a fake death, well many in the community have been discussing Dharma's legacy, so when it was revealed this did become news, the same as a member of a real life community faking their death would have made news.
yes Ashleigh i realize the word beloved existed before me but as I told Tauri last night I was getting hammered with IMs from alt accounts quoting the article that said Austin,....beloved by some..., and these wierdos were "reading something into it" NOT ME!!! I just asked Rhett and/or Tauri to clarify it in SW. As far as the group you have me baffled. I had no idea Dharma Austin had a similar group when she was in SL. Maybe I heard about it from Leah when I first met Leah and got the idea that way. I do not know. I do not care. I just want this madness to stop. It's insane and if you wanted to ask Aurora something why not just IM her? This whole thing is way of control and is beginning to show signs of possible age violations LOL because I am wondering if everyone in SW today isn't below the age of 12.
well there ya go Ashleigh, you sure told me, and ya some boards were pulled and you know this, so dont act like you dont, thing is there was real stuff to be reported and alot of people were curious as to why it wasnt, but a fight between beloved and rhett will be reported. thats all i was saying
Bloody hell folks, Dharma is Clare Abbey, and Beloved Avril. The rants should prove it to even the most casual of reader and although we do not participate with primaries accounts in the surfing community, at least 3 "gangs" in SL can vouch for the fact that the insanity starts with and ends with Dharma Austin.
Karma has different meaning to different people I guess. No matter how delusioned a person is that what they do is righteous or good, in the end life has a way of sorting it out the way it should be. Karma see through lies and manipulation and will find its path, even if we humans are blind.
Trying to fight it out and "prove your point" is worthless when so many people have already made up there minds on what the truth is. The rest is simply cleaver banter with a goal of scoring the most off handed comments.
The only result getting deeper into a pointless exchanges that draw away from your own positive energys.
I have had my share of issues with people and situations on Second life. However, I am not actively attacking, plotting or planning assaults and revenge. I am not saying I am above anyone in not doing this, only that I have learned that in the end, even if you feel you win, you don't... you loose something of yourself by getting into the evil minds and games of others.
I was not going to post anything... I said to myself I would not... as one friend said, "even saying hi would be taken as starting something".
The main reason I wanted to post, is to say that I have a reason to hate some people in SL. But I do not. Not even some who went out of there way to try to take from me and my family in real life. I am at peace with it. What I do know is that I lead a good life. I can stand by my word, and by my actions. Om not perfect and I make mistakes, but if you try to live your live in a positive way, and treat others with kindness and respect, then when you mess up, or make mistakes, your honor and history will bring you through it.
If however you have a history of drama, of lies, manipulation and hate, then you will be the architect of your own destruction. People have a sense of this. Even in digital form. It really does not matter the words someone says on blogs, or how many people they try to convince that they are good. As a human defence mechanism we have a sort of "bullshit" meter that goes off when we sense inconstancy and deception.
Peace and Love. A joke right? Not for me. I am trying to live that and I will do my best to stay true to my words and let my actions speak to that. I hope that some of you wrapped up into this will take some time to reflect on what you are doing and how it will bleed into your real lives and cause you trauma. Its not worth it. Life is watching, and keeping score.
Thank you for reading SurfWatch and for taking the time to comment. SurfWatch responds to comments:
"I have NO beef with SW whatsoever, other than the fact that your mention of my name, beloved..." - Beloved Avril
SurfWatch was not aware that anyone owned the rights to the lower case word "beloved". Since Sally LaSalle was also referred to as "beloved by many" in the post regarding her Montego lecture, perhaps she has also been accused of being someone else. Avril has been stating to members of SurfWatch among others for weeks that she has been accused by many of being an alt, well before an article posted using a generic adjective or noun.
"It's too bad this fake death and a fight is what is chosen to write about, is this the new enquirer of SL?" - Aurora Jacks
A fake "death" effecting many people deeply in the surf community and impacting current matters such as a nomination in to the SLSA Hall of Fame is a matter SurfWatch chooses to write about. False charges being brought by someone against a reporter working for SurfWatch in an attempt to discredit or silence him or her from investigating is a matter SurfWatch chooses to write about. There will always be someone displeased with the way news or an event is reported and choosing to call names to show their displeasure. If a publication stopped reporting news every time someone called them a name when the news was not to their liking, there would be no news reported. It comes with the territory. SurfWatch appreciates that readers continue to read "the new Enquirer of SL".
"I thought of it [Brass Ovaries] and formed it as I thought it was cute. I later left. I had no idea a Dharma Austin also founded such a group. Where is the documentation for that? If you are going to post blog stories post the truth please"..." it is not a woman's group." - Beloved Avril
In the group information SurfWatch has a texture copy of in world, it states, "Charter: A ladies group. We are the Brass Ovaries. We pledge to tell the truth and nothing but the truth even if you call us a ...IM Beloved Avril if you want in the group...". There currently exists several former members of Dharma's Brass Ovaries group that have come forward with information on their membership. SurfWatch stands behind those members and encourages any additional past members of Dharma's group to come forward.
SurfWatch reported a legitimate news story of an update allegedly posted by Dharma Austin on her website that she is alive and faked her RL death so those impacted by her death in the SL surf community of which she was a member would know she was alive. SurfWatch is, however, happy to also investigate why parties are attempting to shut down SurfWatch operations, threaten us, and intimidate us.
We welcome your comments and thank you for reading SurfWatch.
Yes you are right Tauri...Sebastian Saramago is the one that started with an IM to me that said "we all know who your alt was" and then last night I got simultaneous IMs from alts calling me Dharma. I am not trying to shut down SW or intimidate anyone I just want to get the word out that I am not Dharma Austin, never have been or Clare Abbey, never have been. End of Story. I do question some of your fact gathering and the method you use in piece mealing it out to the public and wait for comments and for people to become enraged over it or have it sensationalized then you make this closing statement as if you are the Editor of the Washington Post. Do you even have press credentials of any kind whatsoever? I wonder. This is a game I guess so it's okay.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." "Hamlet", Act III
summed it up.
Just remember every comment you post tells people about you and whom you are.
For example,Pot stirrer(a person who deliberately causes trouble)
,egotist ttc. Seb hit it on the head. Can't hide behind pixels very long before who you are comes shinning thru.
Word of Advice. Look at the rafter in your own eye before you start looking at the needle in your brothers eye.
Agenda's are seen very clear
Surfwatch atleast had the balls to tackle a subject that has been swarming around the surf community for a few months now. Good for them.
first of all, i want to say i was not "throwing anyone under the bus" as i have been told a few times since my comment, i was simply stating an example of something that was going on in the surf community and not being reported on , I want to apologise to all of you, I was not trying to stir any pot,all i can say is im sorry from the bottom of my heart
I believe the topic was covered and put to bed already concerning the surf board issue. I am posting this from my phone or I'd look up the link and post it here. We have a new season starting next week and I know many of us are ready to leave the drama behind.
WOWIE.. I just came to SW to see the article on MONTEGO Star Speaker Series and got 'hooked' into reading all this 'Dharm' stuff... oops I mean Drama stuff LOL. I saw my name and my teams' name mentioned and felt compelled to say something.
One error I noted, was yes LL will suspend without warning as my mate was suspended when we were arguing with the Wedding Photographer we had hired as a gift for kimmy and Wil.
Two, yes I was a "new" member of the new club Brass Ovaries but was ejected by a 'Marilynmonroe Munro' and when I asked why was told the group was disbanded. Fine with me, I always seem to have 25 groups going and could use a open spot LOL
Three, Seb's comment: "Om not perfect and I make mistakes, but if you try to live your live in a positive way, and treat others with kindness and respect, then when you mess up, or make mistakes, your honor and history will bring you through it." must of been an Freudian slip and we all should go to Chi, chant 'OM', chill out and dream of standing on the podium because our passion for surfing is the real reason we are here... at least that is this mer's reason. Roll with the dancing waves and "OM ON" Ko swims away shaking off the sadness she feels as her adopted surfing community struggles with this issue. She sincerely hopes the drama will be left behind and the start of Season 2 will be filled with fun and love (and sexy banter) longing for the laughter to fill her earfins and erase the negative vibes.
"Ommmmmmmm Ommmmmmm Ommmmmmmm"
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