Part 6: The SLSA has a Constitution?

Welcome to Part 6 of our series covering the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) Constitution in an on-going quest to familiarize and understand the constitution in bite-sized chunks.  Please refer to the earlier posts as this series will build on prior Parts*.

The Constitution:

1.  Structure

1.1. Association Structure (covered in Part 2 of this series)    
1.2. Mission Statement (covered in Part 3 of this series)
1.3. Membership (covered in Part 4 of this series)
1.4 SLSA Board of Directors (covered in Part 5 of this series)

1.5. Appointed Officers Appointed officers will be appointed, or re-appointed, every three (3) months in correspondence with
the Board of Directors elections, except as noted. A director may serve as an appointed officer, or the
directors may, as a whole, appoint a non-director for the office. An officer who is not a director, does
not have a vote on Board of Director decisions. Officers may be removed from their position at the
discretion of the Board of Directors at any time. 1.5.0 Human Resources Officer - appointed, director only. Is responsible for recruiting and training appointed officers and maintaining a pool of trained
event day staff. 1.5.1. Financial Officer – appointed, director only. Is responsible to oversee all aspects of financial areas. Duties include: making payments,
collecting receipts, and keeping an accurate record of all transactions and the current balance
of SLSA funds. A financial Officer must keep other directors apprised of financial payments.
Only the Financial officer may make payments on behalf of the SLSA. 1.5.2. Communications Officer – appointed. Is responsible to oversee all aspects of communication to the SLSA membership and surfing
community. Duties include: Maintain website; advertise surfing events via group notices, and
SL events postings, and via web publications. 1.5.3. Events Officer – position is appointed by Board of Directors and may be changed from event
to event in order not to place an undue burden on any one person.
Is responsible to oversee all aspects of a single contest or event and ensure the surfing aspect
of the event runs on schedule and according to the rules and that the staff is not making any
errors. The Events Officer is the only person who can give the exact schedule of events and
rules in all protests in collaboration with the Judging and Marshaling officers. Any member of
the SLSA who performs this role at an event shall be entitled to a payment in accordance with
the “SLSA schedule of fees”.
1.5.4. Head Judge – position is appointed by Board of Directors and may be changed from event to
event in order not to place an undue burden on any one person. Is responsible for making Event Heat Draws Is responsible for making competition day rulings Is responsible for updating Season Scores Is responsible for keeping in communication with other judges in preparation for events. Any member of the SLSA who performs this role at an event shall be entitled to a payment in
accordance with the “SLSA schedule of fees”. 1.5.5. Marshal – position is appointed by Board of Directors and may be changed from event to event
in order not to place an undue burden on any one person. Is responsible for making sure surfers for heat are present and in order, and that judges
are aware of any no-shows. Is responsible for making sure surfers do not begin until judges give go ahead. Is responsible for obtaining assistants if needed. Any member of the SLSA who performs this role at an event shall be entitled to a payment in
accordance with the “SLSA schedule of fees”.
1.5.6. Security – position is appointed by Board of Directors and may be changed from event to event
in order not to place an undue burden on any one person. Is responsible for maintaining secure competition area so that only officials and
competitors are allowed within the area during the times they are needed. Is responsible for communications with persons who are interfering with the
competition. Is responsible for obtaining assistants if needed. Any member of the SLSA who performs this role at an event shall be entitled to a payment in
accordance with the “SLSA schedule of fees”.

Officers are appointed at each election, so basically they serve a 3 month period.  They are appointed by the Board to perform specific functions.  They do not become a Director and have no votes on Board of Director decisions.  An Officer may be a Director but is not required to be with some exceptions.  The Board can remove anyone from this role at any time.

The exception to the Director as Officer rule comes into play with the HR Officer.  This person is responsible for recruiting and training event day staff and only a Director is allowed to staff this position.

The Financial Officer must also be a Director.  They are responsible for making payments, collecting payments, and tracking all transactions.  They are the only one with authority to make payments on behalf of the Association.

Communications Officer is appointed, so may or may not be a Director.  They are responsible for communicating to the membership as well as to the surfing community at large.  This includes advertising events via the website, SL events, and other avenues.

Event Officer is appointed but can be changed for each event if necessary, to spread out the burden of duties across the season.  This is a paid position.  This position oversees all aspects of an event including making sure it runs on schedule and according to the rules.  They rule on protests in collaboration with judges and marshall.  

Head Judge is appointed but can be changed for each event if necessary, to spread out the burden of duties across the season.  This is a paid position.  They must make event Heat Draws, make rulings at the event, must update season scores, and must keep in communication with other judges.

Marshall is appointed but can be changed for each event if necessary, to spread out the burden of duties across the season.  This is a paid position.  They can use assistants if needed.  They make sure the competitors are checked in and notify judges of no-shows, they wait until judges are ready, then give surfers the go-ahead to catch a wave.

Security Officer is appointed but can be changed for each event if necessary, to spread out the burden of duties across the season.  This is a paid position.  They can also use assistants if needed.  They assure only judges and competitors are in the competition area and they communicate with anyone who is interfering with the competition.

The SLSA Schedule of Fees has the specific payment information, and we will cover that when we get to it in the Constitution.

*This is not an SLSA sanctioned series.  SurfWatch is exploring the SLSA Constitution as a long time member, supporter, former sponsor and participant in the SLSA over the years with the goal of understanding and education.  We invite SLSA and public comment for clarity and discussion.

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