
Submitted by VW Sands


The very cradle of life on this planet lies in our oceans. Without them we cannot and will not survive.
Should our beloved Mother Ocean die, we would follow very shortly thereafter. Simple as that.

Most of us should know by now that  Mother Ocean is.......suffocating. In plastic.
All over the world we toss bazillions of tons of plastic crap which inevitably ends up in the sea.

While the efforts of organization like SurfRider Org have worked tirelessly for YEARS to protect access to and the marine environment in general they are no longer alone in this effort.

I personally have been a supporting member of  The Surf Rider foundation for nearly 30 years and it was in part for their efforts that my beloved Trestles was saved from money-hungry hotel builders.

Recently I found out about a couple surf rats that have started a new and VERY important clean-up effort.  They are known as 4Ocean and the mission is simple: End the plastic crisis together.

They have clean-up projects going on all over the world and they need our help! Last I checked they have pulled nearly 5 MILLION pounds of plastic from our oceans!

It is what they DO with this plastic that makes their funding effort so cool. No spoiler here though ;-)

Please visit 4ocean.com and together we can make a difference :-)


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1 comment:

VW Sands said...

Thanks Surf Watch!

As I said in an In-World notice to the VSA group, all donations made at Kia Kaha this year will be forwarded
directly to 4Ocean :-)
