SurfWatch (SW): You've been in SL since 2013. What brought you into a virtual world?
Kei Raven (KR): Decided to see what it was like.
Not actual guidebook used |
KR: I read about it in a book, hun. Been in SL since 2009.
SW: A magazine article or something?
KR: Nope. An actual guide book.
SW: An SL guide book?
KR: Yep.
SW: Wow, I've never heard of that. Where did you find something like that?
KR: Found it in my local library.
SW: So you popped in world. And what were some of the first things you did?
KR: Well, on my main, it was just to get acclimated.
SW: Like how to move around?
KR: That and somehow fell into the Bloodlines game.
SW: How long have you been SL surfing?
KR: Since February 2016. Dumb luck (laughs).
SW: Tell us the story.
KR: I think it was just that on my main, I was just getting bored and so thought I would see if there was surfing, not comps for it. So next thing I know, I get Kei and she comes back off a little break, and she got the surf comp bug.
SW: Had you seen a comp?
KR: On TV in RL (laughs).
SW: What drew you to competition surfing?
KR: Just wanted to see what it was like.
SW: So you said you just wanted to see what competition surfing was like. How did you hear about it?
KR: I just did a random search for surfing and found SLSA.
SW: What did you like about it when you did go to your first competition?
KR: It was fun.
SW: What are some of your favorite memories of SL surfing?
KR: The comps, the friends, the teams.
SW: Can you think of a specific competition memory that is special to you? Have you placed in the top 5 or had an especially awesome run that comes to mind?
KR: My first comp at Solace beach back in February 2016 where I place 3rd.

SW: What made you decide to run for Director?
KR: Wanted to bring back a little bit of what I saw when I first joined the SLSA.
SW: What do you hope to accomplish or learn in your tenure?
KR: Maybe bring the SLSA back to its glory days.
SW: When you say you wanted to run for Director to bring back a little bit of what you saw when you first joined the SLSA, what was it you saw that you wanted to bring back?
KR: Basically for me, the glory days of the SLSA was back when I joined the group when there were more activities and parties. Now there are barely any teams and parties are so far and few.
SW: What has it been like for you as Director to this point?
KR: Currently not too stressful but who knows what might happen in the next 3 months.
SW: What else do you like to do in SL?
KR: I go to Disney sims and Amaretto auctions.
SW: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
KR: Nothing more for now but Go Tai Chi Zen!
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