submitted by Teddy Bear (atlasshrugged3)
This week’s Caledon Oxbridge University Photo Salon class discussed photography tools used to take pictures of moving objects. After the lecture, the students had a field trip to Tai Surfing to practice their new skills taking pictures of people surfing. The Oxbridge students class assignment was to photograph surfers in action! Since surfing is so much fun in Second Life, some of the students simply blew off the class assignment and went surfing, riding boats & Dragons at T’ai.
Here are the best photos of the student’s homework who did complete the assignment:
Tamarynd (7 months in SL) captured Moonie Kismet performing tricks on the HP5 board. Tamarynd filled the frame with her subject, and had the proper angle showing realist surfing. |
Xenun (4 years in SL) captured this amazing surfing action shot on the X-3 board. Xenun filled the frame with her subject, while the long tube wave provide the 3D layering for this realistic photo. |
Dhyezl (4 months in SL) filled the frame with his subject. I really love the appearance of the background wave and how it exhibits the surfing action. |
Caelum Sanguis (4 years in SL) has been a Photo Salon student most of this term. Caelum photography skills are starting to shine. He captured surfing action with the spray trailing the surfer. The tube wave provided the 3D layering, while managing the shadows of the sun peeking into the foreground. |
Isabella Cantor (1 year in SL) had the best swimsuit. The classic 2-piece was right out of the roaring twenties. Isabella placed her subject in the right-side power position using the tube to provide the 3D Layering look. If you look closely, there is a surfer flying in the background, illustrating the craziness of all the model surfers. |
dhyezl used the water spray to silhouette the surfer. Very creative and unique perspective. |
The timing of action shots are so tough, yet Caelum Sanguis captured Aŋɖɪŋ Kἶʂოεէ attempting a back flip. |
“Watch Out – a Surfer Jumping is zooming at you”. The 3D layering and angles of this photo give you the feeling the surfer is flying out of your computer screen. |
While Aŋɖɪŋ Kἶʂოεէ was flirting with the girls on the beach, using her Windlight skills, Isabella caught his reflection in the water. |
Caelum Sanguis using spray trail to captured surfing action. |
Dhyezl filled the frame with his subject, using spray trail to captured surfing action and the angles & background to provide the realistic 3D layering. |
Caelum Sanguis using spray trail to captured surfing action, the second wave in the background adds the layering beauty. |
Dhyezl adjusted the sun position to get this nice still shot of his subject. |
Xenen had fun taking this under water photo of surfers. Using angles to get unique pictures can turn an ordinary photo extraordinary. |
Special thanks to all the Surfing Models who made this class possible! Photo Salon class will have another Surfing photography class later this summer.
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