Sheworthy Pub

Submitted by Annie Panties

Sheworthy Pub, a new pub named after her boat, was recently opened by Annie Panties (JadeEast), surfer for Second Life (SL) Montego Team, SL Surfing Association Hall of Fame inductee 2016, and SLSA Board of Directors.  Annie was also nominated Best Female Host 2015 & 2016  AVI Choice Awards and inducted in the DJ Hall of Fame Host Section November 2018.

Sheworthy Pub Weekly Schedule
April  2019

7pm Jesie Janick
8pm Mavenn
9:30 pm Maribol Inshan

6pm Steveeolino
7pm Wolfie Starfire
8pm Ryanne
9pm Alex Glee

1pm Annakin Skytower
2pm Travis Overland
3pm Zoree Jupiter
4pm Rickylivemusic

Sheworthy Pub


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