SurfWatch Flickr Favorites - Austin Novaland

"Surfers" - posted courtesy of NinnaDazysee the full-sized version on Flickr

Austin Novaland comments:  It isn’t easy selecting a favorite from over 1800 photos. I purposely excluded anything that was taken by me or close friends, or that featured my sim. I also ruled out anything that had excessive manipulation outside of SL. Most importantly, I wanted something that captures everything we love about virtual surfing. Here it is…a group of friends enjoying some tasty waves. Few things in either life can top that.

SurfWatch editors will periodically be featuring Flickr Favorites to share in SurfWatch.  We'd love to see your talent displayed in the pages of SurfWatch.  Share your photo to SurfWatch's Flickr group and maybe we'll pick your photo to feature next. 


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