VSA Surfing Safari Fun!

Photos by Tauri TigerpawJaque Quan, Sugar B. Good, and JT Castanea

On November 11, the Vibrations Surf Alliance (VSA) loaded up their boards, and headed out on surfari to enjoy some of the best waves, and even better company, in Second Life (SL).  The last stop was a surprise unveiling of a beautiful new sim, Kia Kaha, created by VW and Meka Sands.

Stop 1:  Manakai Reef Break

Stop 2:  Cape San Blas Beach

Stop 3:  Blue Heaven Family Beach

Stop 4:  One Love

Final Stop:  Kia Kaha - new home of VSA

To make sure you don't miss out on the next surfari, join the VSA group in SL.  You can find a group joiner at Kia Kaha, or just reach out to VW Sands for an invite.

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1 comment:

VW Sands said...

Great pics! Thanks everyone that had time to snap photo´s. I was.......mega-tasking ;-)
