Second Life Surfing Association Call for Directors

Just in case you've been busy in RL and SL and lost track of the time, it's that time again.

No, not tax time. No, not time to see the dentist. It's time for the SLSA Call for Candidates to fill the two Director positions in the December 1st election. Candidate application dates will be from November 10th through the 17th.

Once the call for candidates is announced, eligible candidates need to apply in writing to all members of the standing board of directors via notecard. Applications must be received not more than 21 days and not less than 14 days prior to December 1st.  

All applicants must state their willingness and ability to serve their full 6 month term and must also state any team, product or Sim affiliations as defined in SLSA Constitution items through

Candidate eligibility requirements according to the SLSA Constitution are:

Any individual who is a current member of SLSA and who is an eligible voter is eligible to hold office as a Director of the SLSA Board, within the following rule(s):

2.2.1. Not more than two (2) representatives from: the same surf team (as defined in section 1.5.8) the same surf product vendor company (product developers, not affiliate sellers) the same surf sim(s) ownership group (sim owners, not sim renters) shall be Directors of
               the SLSA Board at any single time.
               Candidates will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis for this election condition. 
               (e.g Continuing Director A is Surf Team X, Candidate B and Candidate C are also Surf
              Team X, then Candidate B would be accepted as a nominee if their application was 
               received first, Candidate C’s nomination would not be accepted) A current SLSA member who is not an eligible voter may petition the board for the
privilege of running for a Director seat. Their petition must state why their candidacy would be a
benefit to the SLSA. If the board unanimously agrees that it is in the best interest of the SLSA
the eligible voter requirement may be waived. This will be on a case-by-case basis and does not
imply an endorsement of the particular candidate.

Please note that only SLSA members who are eligible to vote may hold a Directors position. Voter eligibility according to the Constitution requires one of the following: An SLSA Member must have competed (and been assigned a score) in at least one of the previous six SLSA sanctioned competitions prior to the election. An SLSA Member shall be an SLSA Hall Of Fame inductee. An SLSA Member must have served as an appointed officer or director at, at least, one of the previous three SLSA sanctioned competitions prior to the election.

If you've ever considered being a Director or wanted to help the general SLSA membership, please consider tossing your hat in the ring.


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