SurfWatch Partner: Playa Perdida

Information provided by Austin Novaland

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SurfWatch Partner:  Playa Perdida

Started by Austin Novaland, the original build of Playa Perdida opened in April, 2016, on the region of Lost Cove.  The sim has been in the current location since February 2017.  Austin states, "The desire to create has always been part of me in both lives.  It's amazing what people are able to do in Second Life (SL).  It is inspiring.  I was living at El Diablo at the time, so my SL had taken a full surf bum turn.  It was about that time that one of my favorite escapes, Mango Island, was closed, leaving a void in my places to just be.  I had done some nice little residential spaces on various parcels over the years, but always wanted to do an entire region.  All of these factors aligned at the right time, and the result was Surf Cove at Playa Perdida."

Austin explains, "Surf Cove at Playa Perdida is not the most social sim.  There are no events to attract the masses, or rentals for those who want to live here.  Adult activities are allowed, but prowling is not.  The surfing experience is prioritized, and that will always be the case.  it is scenic, but there are other sims as beautiful or more so.  There is little to no lag most of the time, but a few sims are probably better in that regard.  Still, the vibe here is unique.  For those who crave a place to catch some tasty waves with challenging set ups, to explore a little bit, to listen to some nice varied music streams with zero commercials, or to just be, it's as good as it gets.  It is rarely crowded, and ideally, it will stay that way."

For more background on Surf Cove at Playa Perdida, see SurfWatch and  You can use the links in the sidebar to find the landmark and to check out their Flickr group with some amazing photos!


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