What the Fluff?

Post and photo submitted by special contributor Wolf Torii

There are some beautiful beaches in Second Life and it’s easy to pick a favorite and return when ever you want to surf. But beach hopping is fun and easy, especially when you have quick links available right here in the Surfwatch blog.

I caught a wave or two at T’ai the other evening and was then camming around when I spotted a white bikini at a nearby sim. I decided that because said white bikini was on a pretty nice avi, I’d paddle over to see if the waves were better there.

I quickly found myself in the Zen island of Ch’I. There’ll be no showing off here, I thought, because there aren’t any waves to surf, only these fluffy little white ones. Still I paddled closer to the white bikini.

“You have to enable fluffies on your board menu if you want to surf in this cove”, the IM popped up on my screen from the white bikini after a brief introduction which is being debated of who IM’d whom first. “Of course,” I interjected which probably sounded short and smug because I was sure these little white waves would be a breeze, if not even boring to surf. Wow, was I wrong.
“Try to stay with the wave all the way to shore,” she said, as I swam toward my board. I didn’t answer, I was puzzled at how challenging the waves were. “It’s harder than it looks.”, she continued.
This time I was determined to stay with the fluffy. I moved up on the board and quickly slipped past the wave. Down to my belly I went and then up again on the same wave, and just as quickly I slipped behind it. “Push the up arrow a few times and try to keep your speed.” She said, encouragingly.
I made several more tries. I was determined to ride this and had to make a decision: both eyes had to be on what I was doing. One could no longer be on the wave and the other on the white bikini. I moved to the center of the wave and slid back on my board where I had a little more turning control. Finally, I rode the wave all the way in.

“Now your getting the hang of it,” She said.

So much for showing off. It would be several more tries before I felt confident enough to work the waves and the board.  By this time she was in the water with me. We spent a good hour chatting and surfing the fluffy waves of Ch’I.

This is what SL surfing is all about, at least for me. Making new friends, discovering new places and having a relaxing evening on the waves.

If you want to try the fluffy waves of Ch’I, follow this link:

Don’t forget to look around the beautiful sim when you visit. And if you want to stay, there are rentals available.

[Editors note:  Contact Sally LaSalle or Kantbe Thursday for more information about Ch'i and available rentals.] 


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Anonymous said...

Wolf's White Bikini Babe: https://i.imgur.com/QXaM7Pn.png

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

Hi Anonymous Wolf's White Bikini Babe!
While we typically do not post anonymous comments, in this case I felt it was fine since you sent a picture! It doesn't post in SW comments as a picture, but for the sake of anyone looking at comments, it's a gorgeous shot - go have a look! And thank you for reading SurfWatch!