SurfWatch Mission Statement and Editorial

SurfWatch Mission Statement:  To continue to encourage, develop, support and be a central point for the virtual surf and beach communities; to circulate information about activities and events happening across the spectrum of all virtual world surf and beach organizations and groups; to share in news effecting those surf and beach communities; to keep alive an accurate, documented and searchable history of virtual surfing; to serve as a focal point of communication for businesses, vendors, venues, services, real estate, merchandisers, groups, individuals, etc. to communicate to the rest of the virtual community; to be open to other needs it can provide to the virtual world surf and beach community in expansion, promotion, and outreach of virtual beaches and surfing.

SurfWatch has always been a labor of love.  No one on staff from editors through any other function on staff is paid and, in fact, in many cases such as purchasing sponsorships with other groups or operational costs such as downloading textures or buying  memberships, clothing or surfboards to write about, it comes out of pocket for staff.  In spite of this, SurfWatch has always had people willing to be on staff, meet the deadlines, and deal with the fallout of expressing opinions all in the interests of promoting virtual surfing and that is because it is fun - fun to be working in a team environment with a group that is excited about sharing a goal, fun to try new things, fun to come up with new ideas and approaches, fun to create whether it's a fashion ensemble or a photo or an idea, and it's fun to virtual surf. 

When I was specifically asked to start SurfWatch up again, I knew it would require a lot of hours that could be spent doing other things, I knew it would mean dealing with some difficult personalities either on staff or in the surfing community, constantly trying to think of new ideas and stay on top of breaking news to stay fresh.  The growth of the community on Facebook and the popularity of photo groups such as Flickr give people a myriad of other options for sharing their photos and stories, so SurfWatch is constantly looking for ways to push through the din of the crowd and provide something different in the interests of promoting not just one group or one sim or one person but the sport of virtual surfing and the world of virtual beaches to the benefit of the whole community.

SurfWatch is proud to share our mission statement which has been in existence many years but just got a fresh coat of paint and a little bit of tweaking.  We welcome your feedback either in comments or contact Tauri Tigerpaw in world.

Tauri Tigerpaw


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great work Tauri Jeff, Painless"