SLSA Bluff Cove C-3 Pro Competition Results

Submitted by Jus Strat

The Bluff Cove C-3 was held May 19th and it was an amazing day. Jack Slade kicked things off at 10 am with a stellar set and the remainder of the entertainment was provided by DJ Smith. It was the largest registration pool of the season thus far and arguably the best surfing all year.

Heat One featured 2 of the SLSA Directors, Richie Marley and Gia Villano - Triton as well as this season's #2 ranked Johnny Whadd along with newcomer Bunni Kismet and talented surfer Illaria. Great scores for Heat One with Richie Marley winning the heat.

Heat One
Richie Marley     15.50
Gia Villano-Triton     14.75
Johnny Whadd     13.83
Bunni Kismet     12.16
Ilaria BLUE     9.08

Heat Two had past champion Moira facing off against Montego Captain Kristen Starquill, Grandhaven Surf Sim owner Aquadoc and another promising rookie DonGood. Moira showed once again the style and talents that have led her to championships winning her heat with a phenomenal score.

Heat Two
Moira BLUE     16.91
Kristen Starquill     15.08
Aquadoc GREEN     14.50
Don Good     11.83

Heat Three showcased Teddy Bear in her second comp on her new team Tsunami, another rookie Celestrii, Oasis of Life sim owner Markus Allan in his first competition and Cierra Theriac. Cierra selflessly and graciously gave up her spot in the competition to fill in as Head Judge and as always did a remarkable job. Teddy Bear made her new team proud winning Heat Three.

Heat Three
Teddy Bear     15.41
Celestrii RED     12.66
Markus Allan     6.75
Cierra Theriac     0.00
Nthcoast PURPLE     0.00

Heat Four included veteran surfer Bodhi Lowtide, the youngest surfer in the comp Andin Kismet, first time competitor Sly Dawg, Moonie Kismet in her first full season and Surfcrazy Captain Mick Lunasea. Bodhi won the heat by the closest margin in the comp, edging out Andin by .08 points.

Heat Four
Bodhi Lowtide     15.66
Andin Kismet     15.58
Sly Dawg     14.16
Moonie Kismet     11.66
Mick Lunasea     10.25

Heat Five wound up being a two person heat as there was a no show and Petra filled in as a judge which was incredibly appreciated by all competitors. Current #1 Kris Marley faced off against rookie Jus Strat. Kris taught one of the C-3 classes prior to the competition and continued his schooling by crushing Jus in Heat Five.

Heat Five
Kris Marley     17.83
Jus Strat     15.41
Petra Xaris     0.00
Tyler Peace     0.00

Photo courtesy Moonie Kismet

The Final round showed the best SLSA has to offer. Every final round this season has gotten more competitive and the C-3 was no exception. It was exciting to see everyone in the line up bantering, harassing each other but also pushing each other to be their very best. Great friends and great surfing made for a great day.

Final Round
1-Kris Marley     18.33
2-Moira BLUE     17.58
3-Richie Marley     16.25
4-Bodhi Lowtide     15.75
4-Jus Strat     15.75
6-Teddy Bear     15.58
7-Andin Kismet     15.41

Thanks to Flynn and Cierra for hosting the C-3. It was an amazing day and if you missed it you missed a really good time. The Season ends June 23rd again hosted by Flynn and Cierra at their legendary Bundy Reef sim so you have one more chance to see amazing surfing but more importantly meet the best people on the grid and as always SurfWatch will be there!


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