SurfWatch/Fairhaven Flickr Photo Contest: SurfHaven!

This is it, the month of March, and SurfWatch and Fairhaven are proud to announce our joint
SurfWatch and Fairhaven Flickr Photo Contest:  SurfHaven!  Contest open for entries now!

This contest will promoto Second Life photographers as well as all the beautiful Second Life surfing and beach sims.

Here’s how to enter:

You can take as many photos as you wish, but all must be taken on a Second Life surfing sim.

All photo entries must have a surfing or beach theme, otherwise, just have fun with it!

Photos can be of your avatar, other avatars or of landscapes on the sim. 
(If at all possible, please seek permission of other avatars before taking and entering photos of them.)
Photos of adult human avatars only please!

This is a Moderate rated group, so Restricted adult images cannot be accepted.

Post processing such as Photoshop is allowed – but not required.

Upload your entries to the SurfWatch Flickr group at:

Please label each photo that you enter with: SurfHaven Entry; otherwise it cannot be considered.
Also include the SURL or beach name where the picture was taken. Including the SURL is preferred.

The entries will be judged by SurfWatch Editors, Tauri Tigerpaw and Kantbe Thursday. The winners will be announced on the SurfWatch blog, and within the discussion area of the Flickr group.

Thanks to the generosity of Fairhaven, winners will receive Linden prizes and coverage by SurfWatch of their winning entry!

1st prize - 5,000L and SurfWatch posting
2nd prize - 3,000L and SurfWatch posting
3rd prize - 2,000L and SurfWatch posting

Please get your photos in by the closing date of March 23, 2018.  Contest ends March 23, 2018, and winners will be announced the following week.

We're excited to see what you come up with for our SurfHaven!  Have fun with this and good luck!!!

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