Submitted by Nash Laville

NL: Hi Meka
MS: Hello Nash. How are you?
NL: Doing great
MS: Glad to hear that.
NL: I'm at my Bundy house now. It's all haunted here ’n shyte here!
MS: Your formality makes me laugh.
NL: I detect sarcasm?
MS: Who me....sarcastic......NEVER.....(giggles). limo please.
NL: Hi hi
MS: Gawd, I hope I didn’t land on anything.
NL: No, yer cool.
MS: I see you now.
NL: I have heard that before.
MS: ...and your cold pizza. LOL
NL: Cold? Would you like a slice?
MS: Looks pretty cold and stale to me.
NL: ???
MS: Ummm no thank you I will pass LOL.
NL: Grabs me a slice, nom nom.
NL: Thanks for coming over.
MS: thanks for the invite, this is nice here. Love the view.
NL: Word
MS: Is this where the Comp is Saturday?
NL: No...the other side at Bluff Cove...where the peeps are out practicing. You compete?
MS: LOL. I have not even practiced. ugh
NL: have been on longer than I have. Amazing isn't it?
LOL.10 years!
MS: Gee, you make me feel so old think I will go see my stylist after getting done with you...LOL
NL: Hmmm, you make me feel young.
MS: LOL Well, I admit it does not seem like we have been here this long and how far we and SL and Surfing have come in all this time as well
NL: I know. How did you discover SL surfing???
MS: Oh Gosh.....I was looking for a place to live, a tropical setting near the Ocean so I just started Island hoping and found Maji/Bish and ran into VW that day.
NL: Dang!Talk about good fortune!
MS: Yes it was. I instantly loved the islands and saw that it offered surfing. I have a thing for salt....blame it on RL...I grew up in Cali....always going to the ocean and surfing.
NL: BTW ..I would love to take some snaps if you were rezzed.
MS: LOL well I can see me....LOL. Am I not rezzed? Gawd please don’t tell me I am nakkie.
NL: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ya ain't nakie! You just have a head and clothes.
NL: That was a trick everyone would pull on me back at Bish. I would show up with no pants and no one would tell me.
MS: You know, I think I remember that.
NL: Oh really?
MS: Yep LOL.
NL: Me showing up with my fly open or didn't anyone tell me? sigh.
MS: LOL tell you and spoil all the fun.
NL: Noob initiation I guess. yeah haha. well...
MS: Besides I was a wall flower......liked being unnoticed LOL.
NL: Wallflowers...Wasn't that a band with Karl Wallinger?
NL: Where were you to speak?
MS: I was quiet......would always stay in the background. LOL.
NL: What was the back ground?
MS: The edge of the crowd was the background.
NL: There was no crowd.
MS: LOL yes there was......
NL: I was always standing on the shore watching the Epic to see which way the wind was blowin'.
MS: Always a group on Bish.....or the comps....or the music and dancing after the comps LOL. My first house on Maji was right next door to VW. LOL.
NL: Wow, up on the hill?
MS: Yep. He and Lissa lived above me...yes on the hill and Cloudy would always be over crashing on my couch.
NL: ))) sigh ... Cloudy.
MS: LOL I know. Love that girl.
NL: Me too...ANYway!
MS: Yes, anyway.
NL: Ummm.... what were we say’n?
MS: I am missing body parts. LOL.
NL: We can do some snaps later...schnapps?
MS: WOOOO HOOOOOO! start pouring.
NL: Whats your flavor?
MS: Surprise me.
NL: OK…peppermint is kinda wicked.
MS: Ohhhhh yes.
NL: Comming right up.
NL: There ya go Meka, at your cer... umm service!
NL: I was born in Chicago....starts playing the blues...
MS: Wait! You seriously are. Good thing I didn’t bet on that one.
NL: And have been in Southern Calif. for a long time.
MS: Wait! You live in Southern Cali?
NL: yup
MS: OMG. Wow small world.
NL: What?
MS: I was born in Upland.
NL: I'm sorry to here that.
MS: Hey now.
NL: LOL JOKE teasing.....but seriously.
MS: Lived in Ontario.
NL: Oh..I know / knew somn' who lived there... huh interesting.
MS: My gramps owned a sign shop for the longest time there.
NL: Ok ...but this is SL, right?
MS: Yep this is SL. Right.
NL: I get confused.
MS: OMG you are too funny.
NL: ….OK we're at Bish..I'm a noob with no pants.....yer a wallflower living under VW and Cloudy crashing on yer couch. SSi the only board. 2 waves: Epic and pipes.
MS: Sounds like us, yes.
NL: Was this before or after Cloud had her Apt? Ok ...I can tell right now I'm walk’n down the tightrope with no net.
MS: Gosh before her apt.
MS: NASH...did you and Cloudy have a thing? .... oh please tell.
NL: I still do have a thing...not sure about her...
MS: OMG Nash I had no idea.
NL: But enough about me....What do YOU think about me???
MS: LOL oh but I like hearing about you. LOL.
NL: How long have you been a red head?
MS: Oh geez you can’t ask me that LOL.
NL: I just did.
NL: How's the Schnapps?
MS: Lets go back to me living under VW and Lissa. LOL The schnapps are wonderful. Awww, I don’t want your heart to be sad if we talk about Cloudy.
NL: SHE crashed on YOUR couch???? Do you still have that couch?
MS: I do.
NL: .........
MS: Awwwwww you’re gonna make me cry.
NL: Ohh no crying. You'll put the fire pit out.
NL: Ok I'm a noob surfing...cuz I just found out SL had surfing Lynelle Saunders, and I was SOOOOOOOOO frickin' happy to find that wave.
MS: LOL you a noob?….never...only when it came to your pants LOL.
NL: ....And later comes naked surf Nation... Coinkydink????
MS: You know when I ride the wave, I just pray I catch it in time and hang on, LOL.
NL: Same here. I still have no idea what the heck I'm doing and don't care.
MS: And if i get lucky...i will complete a turn...and hold on till i get to the other end. Love the taste of the salt which I guzzle all the time.
NL: It is THE most fun anyone can have in SL
MS: LOL true....
NL: May I ask, Meka....
MS: Ask away.
NL: How did you end up did you end up partners with VW like after 10 years? I think it's wonderful.
MS: LOL well that is the question EVERYONE wonders....
NL: Ok, well let me pick a different one. I'm not like everybody else...tune. Mostly I'm curious: "Who did ya surf with?" Did we ever surf together? Pants or no pants.
MS: I used to surf a lot by myself. Then would surf with others in the comps.
NL: Me too! I didn't like anyone watching me...and it was lag.
MS: I do believe I surfed in a heat you were in.
NL: Fun comp? Wow. I had no idea, Meka. V Dub's.
MS: Yes when the comps were fun. Always VW's.
MS: Do you remember Oniel Auer?
NL: Sh*t yeah. We were buds.Yeah, I liked O. We got along fine. I still have a photo he took of me surfing. No copy.
MS: (((just an FYI I got Oneil to come surf SJ)))
NL: When????
MS: When V resets the date.
NL: O ?
MS: Yes O.
NL: O…..M…..G!
MS: LOL. I have my ways.
NL: Oh man! I guess so! Some peeps have waves. You got ways.
MS: LOL....Lord my first comp was against O...of course I lost. I was so mad at V for putting me against him.
NL: Oh ..he was amazing.
MS: I do have ways Mr. Nash, LOL.
NL: I dunno how we got to be friends...Maybe out of default.
NL: But yeah, He was a good friend.
MS: I adore O.
NL: Who were your friends back then?
MS: I hung out with a group of skydivers that would use Bish and Maji all the time.....Johnny, Una, and Divad. And of course Cloudy.
NL: Oh god...Cloudy again.
MS: Cripes sorry.
NL: It's fine. I still love her. She still hates me. NP.
NL: Things were so ...ok maybe I was naive...but innocent. OK I was DEFF naive!
MS: LOL we all were until you got to know individuals.
NL: Me????
NL: I had no idea who anyone was. In fact I am just finding out who I was hanging with. These peeps I would surf and chat with..... I had NO idea who they were... like top pros… even VW!
MS: LOL ditto.
NL: He was always nice to me.
MS: Yes VW is one of the genuine ones.
NL: I would go to him with mundane questions about my media screen/tv or whatever....true.
NL: Were you at my weeding? Bish/Maji?
MS: Who did you marry?
NL: Aly.
MS: Now that name sounds familiar.
NL: I'll edit that out.
MS: LOL omg.
MS: Wait this is the interview! Cripes…LOL you better edit a lot LOL.
NL: Actually...I'm a trans gender cross dressing woman in RL who likes to RP as a monkey in a lab cage.
MS: WOOOOO HOOOOOO I love it! LOL all thanks to your monkey garb.
NL: Heh... there ya go...peeps . Ya want som’n to talk about?
NL: I like to fall and not pull the chute.
MS: And go splat?
NL: Yup. Splat! (I explode with blood and body parts everywhere) oops.
MS: Do I dare ask what that was? LOL
NL: I asploded.
MS: LOL I actually loved the sky diving. of my BFF's, he was a creator of one of the he taught me how to jump, it was great.
NL: You seem very sociable for a wall flower. More schnapps?
MS: LOL, it's the schnapps.
NL: hmmm......I'm not convinced.
MS: .....giggles.....
NL: I rest my case.You and I were in a fun comp? I was like only in one... I think.
MS: We were.
NL: Man. Who'd a thunk?
MS: Really only one.
NL: Yeah, and...the Tandem thing.
MS: See I thought you were in more.
NL: Nah. I just surf. And I found a trophy from like the Montego fun comp thing.
MS: So how in the world did you get to be an SLSA director with only one comp under your belt? LOL.
NL: No one else stepped up to the plate...and I want peeps to enjoy and be able to surf.
MS: I think you’re way better than you’re admitting. Hmmmmm I have proof you were in more than one.....
NL: Really? Tell me?
MS: I will do more than tell you. I will show you.
NL: (gives me a picture) !!!but...but -
MS: LOL that is you.
NL: So much brain damage.... so few cells.
NL: Dudette...that is a recent pic from like a year ago. That is not a comp.
MS: Yes still a comp though.
NL: Nope.
MS: LOL well OK, it was still a group. LOL.
NL: Nope. It was sit’n on the beach.
MS: pfft.
NL: And I ain't even sitting.
MS: You surfed it.
NL: The beach yeah.
NL: Meka....btw..great name.
MS: Nash.....thank you.
NL: Somewhere I have a pic of me and Dub and O and like….OMG…I was struck with awe at Bich...Maji....I took this photo going Daaaaaaaaamn...Look who I am sitting with...the who's who of surfing... grabs some snchapps.
MS: OMG lets see it.
NL: Can't find it. It is way historical. I never named my pics or anything.
MS: Would be great to use for the legends SJ portion.
NL: Someday...someday maybe not today maybe not tomorrow...but soon. I have it somewhere.
MS: Oh please do.
NL: I got a billion pics.
MS: Don’t we all.
MS: I miss those islands.
NL: Sisters of the Sand. Sigh.I miss a lot too. It's really nice to know you / meet you Meka. You still surfing?
MS: Yes I still surf. I have been surfing in the SL comps the last few months.
NL: What ya riding these days?
MS: First comps I have been in in years.
NL: Oh man...I need to pay more attention.
NL: ;p
MS: See I make a great wall flower.....I never get noticed.
NL: pfffffffffffffft. Major schnapps spit take!!!!!!!
MS: And of course I am surfing with Sands. V made me some really cute boards .....LOL.
NL: What's yer fave beach?
MS: Wait. There is one that I simply adore. It's one Connie owns or used to own.....
NL: Do tell.
MS: She had like a ton of waves out going all at once. It was crazy wild. I loved the challenge.
NL: Yeah, Washing Machine Dream I think it was called.
MS: YEP thats it. LOVED!
NL: Came out clean after 15 mins there.
MS: Yes but what a ride!
NL: Hard to keep track of things...I just wait until the dust settles and you can see the waves...then I'm IN. Even though you ain't got no body do you feel like catching a few here?
MS: Sure.
NL: Just fer fun? Kewl...surfing attire?
MS: LOL yep.
MS: And of course I am surfing with Sands Boards.....LOL
NL: Shakes my head.
MS: Ok, is it smokey or your decorations? LOL.
NL: Oh it's the sim. It went all scary and lagged for Halloween.
MS: LOL. Geez, it is laggy.
NL: is but let's do it anyway. Try it!
NL: Pretend it's a comp! ;p
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