Submitted by Revlon Benoir
Date: 10/06/17
Surf Revolution is pleased to announce the new beta release of the Revolution Virtual Surfing (RVS) project in Second Life™. We are now ready for public beta testing and are seeking serious surfers who would like to test ride this new system.
Several months ago, a small group of surfers approached me inquiring about my old Revolution Surfboards. They asked if I would bring them back. “No”, I replied, but I will make a new surf project based on RL style surfing and begin working on the Revolution Virtual Surfing Project.
My goal was not to make a “better way of SL surfing”. The goal was to make a Virtual Surfing Experience that would allow those who, for various reasons, can’t surf in RL, feel the surfing experience. Of course, I can’t make a user wet, cold and put sand in their shorts but I can give them the thrill of the first ride.
My mantra for the project is: Surfer Zen, the perfect union of board, surfer and wave.
RVS is a Real Life or RL virtual surfing project that includes a new style of surf boards and waves.
An RVS board uses RL surfing physics and reacts to surfing actions.
• When sitting shifting your weight back will raise the nose of the board
• When paddling the thrust is taken from the chest area
• When surfing in the thrust is taken from the rear of the board.
• The combined size of board and surfer affects how the board performance.
• The buoyancy and friction area of the board affects the board performance.
• The pressure applied to the nose, rails and tail controls acceleration, deacceleration, and banking
In the Revolution World, longboards and shortboards are not the same and therefore do not surf the same. Longboards are classified as any Revolution Deck that is over 2.5 meters from tail to nose. Longboards are more buoyant and heavier and perform accordingly. Another difference is that a longboard can only turtle roll while a shortboard can turtle roll or duck dive during a Wave Evasion while paddling out.
• WAVE AWARE: A Revolution Surfboard is aware of the wave it is currently engaging. The board responds to the wave’s pushing power to accomplish surfing actions such as catching the wave or performing a cutback.
• ACTIVE RAILs: The edges of a surfboard are called the rails. In Revolution surfing the board uses WAVE AWARE to allow a surfer to engage or “set a rail”. The rail that is currently engaging the wave is the ACTIVE RAIL. When you set this rail, you use the power of the wave to climb, drop and cutback against the face of the wave.
• ACTIVE FINS: When used with the Volumetric Revolution Wave project the fins now become ACTIVE FINS and will engage with wave on bottom turns, cutbacks or with enough climbing velocity “busting a lip” or even getting “fins out”.
• Surfing actions are the actions a surfer takes while surfing a Revolution Surfboard. Mounting or “sliding on”, sitting, paddling out, paddling in or catching a wave, dropping in, surfing and wiping out.
• Of special note here is the actions of paddling in and dropping in. As stated the board is Wave Aware; when paddling for a wave you do not “collide with the wave” as in SL surfing, you let the “wave catch and push you”. After a wave is caught you will “pop-up” and you need to make the surfing action of dropping left or right.
• Catching a wave: On average it has taken our testers and average of 40 minutes to catch the first wave. But like RL surfing once you catch that first wave you are sitting on top of the world.
• Wiping out is a part of surfing and is always turned on. There are 13 ways to wipe out! The most common wipeout during test were going over the falls and digging a rail
Surfing in RL is complicated, however, once you get the basics you “have caught the bug” and the next ride is always the best ride of your life. Don’t fret too much because we have included a Virtual Surfing Instructor that can be turned on. The VSI will let you know what you are doing wrong. With practice you will turn off the VSI and dominate.
For more information on joining the project please contact Revlon Benoir in World.
Press Release: Surf Revolution

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