The Unsung Hero of the SLSA

Submitted by Mick Lunasea

Most pro surfers have no idea the pain and effort put forth by one person that changed Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) surfing forever.  Board Sizes and Board Checks prior to Competitions: SLSA forum post Friday September 12, 2008, 2:19 pm "Only Heather (Goodliffe) scripted waves and boards are used in SLSA sactioned events".  All events from 2007 including SLSA events used Heather (Goodliffe) scripted surfboards.  They were widely available, easy to ride. Today they are referred to as SSI, Surf Systems Inc.
Photo credit Sunrize Mornington

July 26, 2008, the first SLSA surf contest using a non SSI Surfboard was the SLSA approved Surf City Classic using the "Ron John noserider" created by Robin Mapp.  It was a one time event won by  rockytheskaterboy Dreadlow from Greece. Pro's jumped back on their trusty SSI surfboards as soon as the awards and bikini contest ended.
Photo credit Sunrize Mornington

On Saturday June 23, 2012, 11:00 a.m hosting the Season 10 Series, 5 Encinitas Pro, Revlon Benoir single handedly changed SLSA surfing overnight. Fighting tooth and nail with the SLSA old guard and new riders alike for months, novel-like posts flew daily in the SLSA forum. Look 'em up.  She got the HP5 surfboard and Teahupoo wave approved by the SLSA Board of Directors for future SLSA surf contests. She had full support from Leogarto Burt and SLSA Champ and ABBSL (Brazilian Surfing Association) rider Wilfed DeCuir. She eventually got support from ABBSL Association Brasil boardriders Second Life Champions Bobbi Laval, Sally LaSalle and the rest of us. Revlon kicked down the SSI door paving the way for LSD, C-3 and whatever comes next.

Leogarto Bert introduced the Teahupoo at one of three Surf Festivals she hosted for free. Revlon rented full sims so more teams, sim owners, vendors of surfboards, and surf wear could participate.
Regretfully, the Surf Festivals have been attributed to me when Revlon was the genius of it all.
Team Surfcrazy is proud to sponsor the upcoming HP5 Pro and thank Revlon for her contributions to surfing in second life.

Love ya Revy,
Mick Lunasea

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