Dear Zenon:

Your clever disguise as a goofy orange cat with shades, top hat, and scarf made me curious, so to speak. I will never regret that day. From there on forward I realized I met such a humble, intelligent, sarcastic, and caring man. Throughout the years we’ve had many amazing talks at a light and deep level. I've never really had that many close male friends that understood me the way you do. You know what type of person I am. Sometimes I can be dorky, weird, foolish, and sensitive but you accepted all that . I believe I won’t ever find anyone as amazing as you are . You will always be my soul friend. Sometimes that type of person comes once in a lifetime and I feel lucky and honored to know that you were that person. I’ve had many up and downs on SL and in RL and I want to say thank you for being by my side. I’m saddened that you can’t make fun of me and the millions of hairs I own in my inventory. I’m saddened that you can’t tease me anymore on my frozen pizza obsession. I’m even saddened that I won't be able to hear you gag at my fondness for Britney Spears music. But I’m more saddened that you are not here to see the love of your life grow up to be a beautiful and strong lady. But know that your daughter will always make you proud. Just keep cheering her on from up above from the "moon" and know she will look up and hear you. All of your friends love you remember that, and we may sigh and mourn at the emptiness of your furry presence but the memory of you will bring back life again and we will wipe those tears away. The last Christmas card I sent you last year I drew a picture of you by a fireplace with a Christmas tree and clouds. I know it didn’t make it in time but I hope you liked it anyways. I cannot say good-bye my friend, because you will never be gone to me. I will miss you dearly forever but hopefully I will see you soon again kitty cat, I will see you soon again.
Love, Zelda
[Editor's note: In December 2016, we lost our favorite beach kitty after an extended RL illness. Ze will always be remembered with warmth and affection. He lives on in our memories and the pages of SurfWatch].
Always present, always leaving me a mess to clean up.
From Bishara to Mori to Nara, Z planted himself at "his" campfire
and planted a lasting memory of one of my greatest friends.
I always thought he had an un-fair advantage surfing in that tiny little cat avatar
but then I tried one for myself and realised that it was´nt his av it was more that he ripped. Plain and simple.
We had so many philosophical discussions, argued about the worlds best rum, complained to one another that we
were´nt living in Bali and contemplated the price of a beer in europe.
You will be missed Z and thanks for being such a great friend. Namaste brother.
So very saddened to hear about Z. He was a great friend to many xx
My dear friend Zeeeeeeee:
I've known you for so long, I can't even remember how we met. I'm guessing surfing on the beach at Majini since that's how everyone met back in the day. You were always solid and steady, supporting me in my music and always being a friend.
One day I noticed you got hairier. And your limbs turned into paws. And you purred. Thats when you became purrrfect to me since I love kitties. It has been my pleasure to share your fluffy pillows, marvel at your furballs, and share many years in this fantasyland.
I send you hugs and scratches behind the ears and mousie treats and every good thing a kittie may desire.
Your friend always,
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