Kantbe Serious: Rules Are Made to be Broken

Submitted by Kantbe Thursday

Well maybe not broken as much as improved.
Some of you have probably already seen posts about changes in the
Second Life™ Surfing Association's (SLSA) Event Rules.  The changes
aren't so much about anything being broken, but rather to give more of
the best surfing performances a better chance to be recognized.
When asked if this new rule has been put into effect, rather than just
a trial at the Barton Springs competition, Director Melian Catronis
responded that, "these are the new rules, apparently they have been in
discussion for some time" and that "We [the Directors] feel, even
though some people are thrown a bit by it, that it is a more fair rule
than before."

The specific rule changes are:
"1.5 When 15 or more surfers are registered for the Open event, they
will surf in 5 heats, and the winner of each heat and the next 5 best
scoring surfers who did not win a heat in will advance to the Pro
and in 12. Competition format,
"All heat winners and the next 5 best scoring surfers will
automatically be qualified to compete in the Pro event for that
"- In Pro events surfers advance from preliminary heats to semi finals
by winning their heat or by scoring in the top 6 surfers who did not
win a heat. In the case of tie for winners of a heat, both winners
based on score, the tied surfers will surf off, each given a single
wave until one surfer prevails to move on."
In a nutshell, as Sally LaSalle put it in a recent SLSA forum post
, "what exactly does this rule change? It changes
this ...

Some poor shmo that maybe got the 3rd or 5th highest score of the
entire day, but who happened to be in the same heat as the others that
got the 1st and 2nd highest scores for the whole day. That person who
in the old system was eliminated, now has a chance to progress.
In other words the surfers with the best performances now progress,
instead of surfers that lucked out into a two-man heat. Anyone with a
performance in the top 12 of the prelims, no longer has to be gutted
by the fact that they surfed really well, but that someone-else is
going to the semi finals and they aren't simple because they were in
the "wrong heat"."
That's all it changes.  Nothing changes about your surfing style,
nothing changes about the way a ride is judged and scored, nothing is
changed about your beverage of choice during the competition.  Heck,
you can even dance that same dance animation you've been using for the
past 5 years and wear the famous Colleen Brennan "helmet hair" to cut
down on your Avatar Rendering Cost (I loves ya, Colls… and thanks for
the hair).

To review the Event Rules in their entirety, check the SLSA's forum
post <http://surfslsa.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2129>.

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