Changes to SLSA Competition Event Rules

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) has updated and revised the event rules for the Open and Pro competitions. A complete copy of the event rules can be found on the forum.

Changes for the Open competition are that when there are 15 or more surfers registered for the event, they will surf in 5 heats. The winner of each heat will advance to the Pro round. The next 5 highest scoring surfers will also advance, rounding out the 10 who move on.

Changing for the Pro competition is the way that surfers will advance to the final heats. The winner of each heat will advance to the semi-final, as well as the next 6 top scoring surfers who did not win their heat (equalling 12 surfers in the semi-finals). If there is a tie for 1st in the preliminary heat, both surfers advance. If there is a tie for the final position in the semi-finals, a surf-off will be held to determine who advances. In this case each surfer takes one wave at a time until one of the surfers has the higher score. To advance into the final heat, the winner of each semi-final will move up. The remaining surfers in the finals will be those with the top 3 scores that did not win their heat (so 6 surfers total). In the event of ties in the semi-finals, the same rules as above apply.

I encourage you to visit the forum and read the complete event rules.


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1 comment:

CK said...

I've always thought this should be the case, thanks D's for the revision of this rule.