T'ai Chi - THE Party

Y'all know what it's like at a competition, especially during the final match up to determine who goes the the podium.  Every eye is on the surfers... a hush in the air... totally absorbed in the tension of the moment.

Well, er, maybe not all the time.....

The T'ai Chi competition had a party atmosphere that started with a Friday night pre-Open competition party with DJ Tanya Palianta on Chi's Girls on Film Dance Club.

The party continued the following Saturday shamelessly encouraged by Dj Danu Grayson despite her being attacked by a deadly swarm of African Headless Tsu-Tsu Gnats.  The Pro party culminated with a circle jer… spectators dancing in a circle instigated by the perpetual party instigator, MaryAnn Maa.  There were surprise visits from the likes of Pricilla - Queen of the Dessert,  Colly the Parrot accompanied by a flock of birds who talked like surfers, a scourge of scorpions, and who could forget, Collzilla.


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1 comment:

Jen said...

Best surfpartyweekend since a while :) loved it...