SLSA Team Member Informal Survey - Part 5

Submitted by Kantbe Thursday

Prompted by some of the questions about teams being asked by people who are new to surfing in Second Life® and the SL Surfing Association (SLSA), Surfwatch recently conducted an informal survey of surfers who are currently registered as team members for teams who have had competitors in the SLSA competitions over the past year. While individuals will not be identified by response, the nature of some responses may be a bit individually unique and suggest who provided that response. For the most part, any edits to responses were kept to a minimum in order to provide anonymity to all. (Editor's note: This is part of a continuing series as SurfWatch posts the survey questions and responses.)

SW: What kinds of activities, if any, are done as a team other than the surfing competitions themselves?

We have had birthday parties and team surf parties.

Surfing for fun, just hanging out..

Team Surfcrazy tries to ride daily at contest venues after previous contests.

Sometimes we get together informally to practice, but few or no formal team activities.
Being such a small team we can share activities without much planning. We might all just happen to be a Solace at the same time and then it is a party.

When new team member comes in there would be a group meeting to welcome them.

At the moment I don't know of any team activities outside of competitions, we do get together with other friends now and then for dances etc.

spark in my ass ....raves, shopping excursions...just chillin and jammin. Hihihiii*free coochin'

Not much, we try to practice together some times, but mostly just talk and hang out together when we can. I can't stress enough we are really good friends, first, and the other members of the team are great to just talk about things, anything with, they listen and care.

(Editor's note: Stay tuned to SurfWatch for the next part of the SLSA Team Member Informal Survey!)

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