This is the third in a series SurfWatch is presenting to highlight the different official positions at an SL surfing competition. SurfWatch hopes this information will show other surfers what's involved and picque their interest in becoming an official and also highlight the complexities of the functions. Special guest contributor, VW Sands, writes on the position of Event Coordinator or EC
Sometimes seems like I´ve never "been" anything other than an EC for the SLSA. That´s probablly a good thing because if I could remember the first time it would remind me of all the stuff I borked. Maybe I have my "Selective Memory HUD" attached, who knows.
In any case.......the EC "job" has always been my favorite. It starts long before the comp(s) and extends to long after them. The EC is responsible for nearly all aspects of a surf comp including coordinating and recruiting staff, working with the sim owner, title sponser, security and so on.
Then on comp day the EC takes on a "MC" role keeping the riders informed, heats lined up and called down to the beach, scores, soliciting donations and information on upcoming events. The EC is also the only real bridge between rider and judges and therfore issues on the water are often brought to the EC for communicating to the judges. Sounds like a handfull and can get kinda sketchy sometimes but it is a blast!
What makes it so much fun is two-part I suppose. Firstly the EC is in the middle of the action and that means among all of the spectators and surfers! At least on comp day(s). Secondly the EC gets to see a comp form from nothing but a date on the calender to podium pictures after the final.
It is very rewarding and highly recomended ;-)
I dont know if it should be mentioned that the EC is a director position not a volunteer position. Unless I am wrong, then never mind. :)
Hey Cierra! Great point and you are right per the SLSA Constitution it states: 1.5.3. Events Officer – position is appointed by Board of Directors and may be changed from
event to event in order not to place an undue burden on any one person.
Course you have to read up a bit where it lists the jobs of the Board of Directors. The EC or in this case EO is listed as a Board position.
Ok, so correction on whether the EC/EO is a Big D (Board of Director) position or not...after closer reading at the only roles that are soley a Board of Director position is the Financial Officer and Human Resources Officer. Rest of the positions can be appointed to non Board members...Amazing Constitution it is!
Ah... Interesting. Thanks for the clarification.
Was going to say :-) Taking from my experience as a director though, the EC is such an important job, covering everything, being in charge of almost everything, that it should be in most cases done by a director who has a direct access to the decision-making board, being a decision-maker themself, too. Of course V has always been the best EC ever and even when he wasn't a director he was the best choice for that position.
Abel's right. Even though the Board CAN appoint someone else (through a unanimous decision), they'd have to set up some entirely different communications channel for all of the people who need to be involved in the many, many routine things required to pull off a competition.
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