Wicked Art! Art in the Surf World

When you say the name WickedV Carver, it brings to mind a great surfer, a friend, bottles of tequila and for some, amazing art. We recently caught up with Wicked and sat down to discuss her work.

SurfWatch: How did you get started with creating art and taking pictures in SL?
WickedV: When I first started in SL, I put an airplane through my house, someone said to me to take a picture of it and show it because it was so funny, I guess thats what got me started. lol

SW: Do you have a muse? What inspires you?
WickedV: I have a few people who inspire me,the first one was Bonheur Chenaux, she showed me that you could actualy make something with the pictures from SL and now CK (Coolkat Delicioso), she gives me all the inspiration and support I need to be creative.

SW: What advice can you give someone wanting to get started with creating art or taking pictures in SL?
WickedV: Take lots of pictures, I mean LOTS! You might come up with three or four worthy enough to work on. Never be afraid to try something new outside your style, save to your hard drive, and always have back-up...oh! and never be too proud to ask for advice lol

SW: Any thing else you would like to share with our readers?
WickedV: Art is an expression of yourself, a window to your soul, so never create anything with others in mind, never worry about what others would like to see, just show whats in your heart and soul.

To see more of Wicked's work visit her site at: http://www.koinup.com/WickedV/

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