As I sit here slurping down egg nog and watching my tree blink pretty lights around ornaments that each hold a special memory in my life, I can't help but remember back to what 2010 has been to so many of us. We have made friends and enemies, although I sincerely hope more friends than enemies were made this year. We have lost sims and built new ones, we have surfed and bellied, cried and laughed.
We come from all over the world, from every walk of life, and from so many different viewpoints and opinions. Through it all, we have remained surfers working to spread the stoke of surfing in a virtual world where many of us would never get the chance to surf otherwise. As we say good bye to 2010 and prepare to usher in 2011, I hope that you take time to reflect on where we have been as a community and where we are going. I hope you take time to think about the people who work behind the scenes to make sure that that surf comp goes off with as little lag as possible, the people who are on our beaches teaching noobs to surf or helping some of us hopeless old timers how to belly just a bit less. The party organizers and the supporters who show up and support our community all in their own ways.
I personally am thankful for how I have grown and for so much more. To V for always supporting me no matter how much chaos and mayhem ensues, to Tauri, Ash, Max, Colls, Bandit, gosh the whole gang at SW for giving me the honor of becoming a part of the SurfWatch family, for Aly, Que, En, Monq, Abel, Sie, (omg I need to put my entire friends list here!) f
or all the laughs and adventures and tears and love. Each of you has made my life richer for the knowing and it is with great excitement that I look forward to the coming year.
Merry Christmas!
Lissa Pinion
Editor in Chief
Big lick on the nose for you Lissa
I love you Lissa! *hugs*
Happy holidays Lissa!
Thank for all the wonderful things you do that put smiles on peoples faces! Holiday huggs!
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