It’s New Years, which means it’s time for resolutions. This is the perfect time for me to give some advice. Of course, take it with a grain of salt, because I’ve never been able to successfully hold on to one of my own resolutions. Maybe that’s why my first piece of advice is:
1) Don’t make a resolution you know you won’t keep. No matter how lofty or noble the goal, if you find yourself scoffing at the idea of “Reaching my Goal Weight!” or “Stopping Smoking” then just don’t set that as your resolution! Nothing sucks more than failing, it’ll bring you down and make you mad at yourself. So don’t set yourself up for failure by setting too high of a goal for yourself. A goal is supposed to be something you have to work for, but that is attainable. Those goals I mentioned may be both, but not within one year for most people. Which leads me to...
2) Examine your goal and adjust your resolution to give yourself the highest likely hood of success while still being challenging enough to feel like you achieved something. Using the above examples maybe that could be “eat healthier” or “reduce the number of packs per week I consume.” Other examples: “Work out every day.” = “Find ways to incorporate more exercise into my routine.”; “Get a raise.” = “Find a way to increase my income.”; “Spend less time on Second Life.” = “Find a hobby I really love in Real Life, and have fun exploring the options!”
Lissa Pinion asked people about their resolutions for our last in-world, so check that out to get some ideas. And I hope my 2 key pieces of resolution advice help you for a better life in 2011. As for me? I think I might make all of those alternates my resolutions, except the smoking one since I don’t smoke to start with!
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