Wave Conditions: Mojo Beach

courtesy of VW Sands, Surfrat

Aloha SL surfers!
This is the first in a twice weekly Surf Rapport series from SurfWatch! We'll be wondering around
SL's surfing spots and providing you with up to date weather and swell reports from ALL the best
breaks in SL so stay tuned!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The winter months are proving to be kind to the break at Mojo! With 12-15 foot sets
and water temps STILL in the low 70's the conditions here are truley Epic. Daytime high
on Saturday was 77 degrees, wind S-S/W at like.....5 knots maybe ( had 3 beers before I paddled out )
and WAY overhead sets, Mojo is rawking hard!

Plenty of goods at this beach so grab a stick and head out! Toss a few clams
on the owner(s) so we can include them in the Surf Report in the future as well ;-)

Stay tuned ( or tuned out ) and until next time GET WET!
As always, be sure to check out http://www.swwavereport.blogspot.com/ for the latest surf spots!


1 comment:

Kantbe Thursday said...

Great to see the list of sims being fleshed out to give people a better idea of what's out there. Great idea!

Ya'll remember... shoot one of the SW staff an IM, note card, or LM of any new surf sims you hear about so we can keep ya'll informed of what's out there.

Thanks for these reports, VW!!!!