ASA Spring Carnival!!!

submitted by Rayzza Rubble

Date:  Saturday, 2 October, 2010,
Time:  4 PM SLT
Place:  Monkey Cove

Sun, Fun and some aussie tunes..... and, of course, all ya mates!

4 PM SLT Mini Surf Comp
Turn up on the day to compete for the Spring Carnival Surf Champ.  The first 10 surfers to turn up and register on the day will compete:

Registration will be taken from 3PM SLT on the day.
Best 2 scores on 3 waves will go to a finals showdown - any board ya like.

1st Place $500L + Trophy + Surf pic + Didgeridoo + esky full of beer
2nd Place $250L + Trophy + Esky Full of beer
3rd Place $100L + Trophy + Esky Full of beer
** Plus all surfers will receive some special aussie gifts from Pray 4 Surf

5.30 PM SLT Bikini Contest ( open to men and women :)))))

Get that brazillian wax ya always wanted and get your hottest bikini on and come down and strut your stuff for the Spring Carnival Bikini Contest - Just sign up on the day to enter.
here will be several very sexy surfers judging this contest.. no shortage of volunteers for this one!

Prizes for :

Hottest Bikini $300L
Sexiest Walk $300L
Ugliest Bikini (Obviously for the men cause every girl is hot in a bikini) $300L

6 PM SLT Jet Ski Races

Bring your own Jet Ski or borrow one on the day and sign up for a race around the sim!

Judging will include:
Fastest for 2 laps $300L
Best jump off ramp $300L
Most crashes with other Jetskis. $300L


Yep thats right.. a naked party wave... if ya game.. come just for the blackmail pics ;)))

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