Tauri's Tidbits and Sticky Situations #3

We were recently having a convo about Second Life (SL) situations and talking about SL etiquette - is there such a thing? You know, the kinds of things you run into in SL and are not sure of the proper way to handle. We'll be periodically posting these dilemmas and looking for genuinely constuctive feedback on your opinion. If you have a comment or a dilemma of your own, let us know and we'll add it to the list!

If you send your friends a notice about an event you want them to attend, is it rude if someone else immediately sends a competing notice for a different event being held at the same time inviting the same general group? And is it rude to even send event invitations to your friends list?  What about those mass TPs that pop up out of the blue - are those just annoying or are they also rude?

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Kantbe Thursday said...

How else ya gonna get your friends to come to a partee? It'd be rude if the 2nd invite said, "Come to my party, not Kantbe's".

As far as those pop-up TP's... have you ever had one show up in front of your menu just as you were changing positions in be....er, your dance and end up TPing somewhere into a crowd of ppl? How embarrassing!!!!

Syx Toshi said...

I really have no problem with any invites or TP's that pop up once. When you start getting 2 and 3 one after another to the same event its annoying.

I don't think inviting over and existing invite is great. Maybe give it 10 or 15 minutes you never know who might be interested in one and not the other.

Colleen Brennan said...

I like the invites and I enjoy knowing what is going on. My dilemna is when I can not go and I don't want to be rude and just ignore the invite. Usually I end up sending an IM with regrets but letting the person know they were not ignored.