submitted by Syx Toshi
Some of you may know me and some not, but I’m normally pretty quiet. I like to let my actions speak for me. Recent news of the retiring of the Mori Pwani surf area really saddened me and pissed me off that these great people work day and night to provide a fantastic place for us to go and there isn’t enough support to keep them going.
For one, I know how hard it is to own a surf sim. You have to dedicate valuable resources to the water, beach and waves with no financial return. As VW Sands/Lissa Pinion said in their note letting us know the said news, you can’t just chop up the sim into nice square residential and commercial areas. What you end up with is a short surfing run next to, basically, a city! No one wants to surf or live in an area like that.
Saving all of our surf areas is near and dear to my heart. The plain truth is owning a surf sim will never turn a profit and will always require the owner kicking in his/her own money at some level. There is another truth out there and it's people love to utilize surf sims but rarely donate. Now I know there are people out there, good people, that do donate and give significant amounts when a sim needs it, but to be honest, the majority of people visiting our surf sims just are not donating. The sim owners I know hate sending the end of month “please help” notice.
I’m not asking for donations for myself and never would, but for the people that don’t donate, surf sims will be gone in short order if you don’t support them!! It’s a fact we’ve all seen it happen!! Instead of buying the next bathing suit, surfboard or whatever, throw some money into your favorite beach’s donation box.
I apologize in advance if anyone is offended, but I don’t want to see my favorite surf beaches go into our surfing history!! In the end, we surf sim owners do what we do to make people happy. None of us turn a profit. It's for the love of Second Life (SL) surfing and SL’s surfers that we do this. So please support your favorite surf sim, until it hurts, or it will be a memory.
Letter to the Editor

Well said. I know that most of the regular surfers on SL have one or two favourite sims that they like to consider their "local break", if this is the case then it's only fair to be putting some lindens into those sims when you have them to spare. Let's keep those waves rolling in.
TRUE WORDS ! and i bet we all feel guilty by riding it. Thanks for shake our heads bro.
yep, a very sad fact Syx, none of us want to see our surf sims go, but unless they are suppored by us, on a regular basis, they will dissapear.
Right on Syx!!
Donations definatly help, even a few lindens is better than no lindens.
Another thing we all can do is promote these great surf sims. Pass a landmark to someone new that's interested in beaches, surfing, and meeting good people in a layed back environment.
Also, you can write a blog, or post to FaceBook, and promote these great sims with a story from a recent visit.
Do what you can financially, sometimes it's not easy. But ALWAYS, do everything you can to promote a positive vibe about your favorite surf sim. people won't donate if they don't visit these great sims.
Syx I could not agree with you more. If there is any way we can save Mori or at least its essence in some way I am behind Lissa and VW 100%.
What is happening is frightening. I think I have had grateful tears every month for the past half year as Tsunami has somehow managed to squeak by, usually a few days late and only by as little as $L7. I thank everyone who has been a part of helping from the bottom of my heart.
As is often the case with most surf sims any stores or other rentals you see are only to lessen the loss and the difference is made up out of pocket. I most cases I am guessing the difference is over 50%. The best way to save the sims we love is to give what we can to help when we can and also shop at the stores
BTW when it comes to "giving" at a aurf sim sometimes you don't even have to have money to do so. Just by being welcoming when you meet a new person and helping them learn to surf you will help your favorite sim immeasurably.
I know Tsunami would have to close without the love and support of everyone who has helped and I will never ever be able to adequately thank you all for that support.
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