Tauri's Tidbits and Sticky Situations #2

We were recently having a convo about Second Life (SL) situations and talking about SL etiquette - is there such a thing? You know, the kinds of things you run into in SL and are not sure of the proper way to handle. We'll be periodically posting these dilemmas and looking for genuinely constuctive feedback on your opinion. If you have a comment or a dilemma of your own, let us know and we'll add it to the list!

How do you tell someone their hair/skin/shape etc. are just not working for them without totally hurting their feelings?  You like him...but that bald spot is distracting.  You like her...but her skin looks like a rubber blow up doll.  We've found this is harder in a relationship situation - easier to tell your buddy that his hair has a big bald spot showing than a potential partner.  Tell us what you think!

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Kekoa Arbizu said...

I don’t know about this one..hmmm. I always find the avi’s that are not the norm or be too bothered about their “looks” to be more interesting. I’m always drawn to talk to the person dressed like an ice cream cone than what most people perceive to be a “hot” avi lol. I would just let people be freaky looking to be honest, anyone can have a great body, good hair day in sl… it‘s boring if we all looked the same. BTW, bald spots are handy to apply your lipgloss, I’m surprise you don’t know this Tauri, there should be more!. It’s kinda cool not to try to look cool imo.

Saying all that, can someone plz IM Rod Ambrose and tell them the 1980’s want their “look” bk lmao

Jimbo said...

Back in my earlier days, a good friend began showering me with LMs to hair places and sending me free hair demos. Mixed in with the hair stuff there was also an old busted up coffee table (which had a missing leg that was replaced by an empty tequila bottle, go figure) to make it look like someone was "just cleaning out her old inventory". Turns out, I got the hair I am comfortable with today and I'm still enjoying the coffee table too, even though it wobbles a lot (like my good friend that gave it to me)

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

omg I love you guys ♥ you have me laughing out loud so hard today! Let me grab my lipgloss and I wondered where that table went...any tequila left in that bottle???

Kantbe Thursday said...

Kekoa? Bald spots? Anyone can have a good hair day? He don't know us do he, Tauri? We spend a heck of a lot more on hair than even tequila, just so we can have good hair days. And what makes you think we only need one good do for a whole day? Ya surely don't think we'd go out danc'n without fix'n up our hair from a day at the beach.

If ya wanna see cool.... try to talk Bobbi onto dig'n her Sock Monkey AV outta the closet, Kekoa. :-))

Kekoa Arbizu said...

Kantbe, more than one do for a day? I’ve had the same doohoo for 2 years! My split ends go way up to my roots, I never wash it cause I forget (short att span) maybe if I change my password to washyourhairitsgross, it might work lol.

Jimbo that coffee table sounds like a collectors item, sounds awesome! You guys really need to teach me this stuff…all these years and I didn’t kn..SOCK MONKEY!!! \o/*melts*