SLSA Rankings Revised

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) has announced a corrected ranking list and posted a revised version.  The top 10 SLSA ranked surfers are listed as (in order of rank):

1.  Yendor Destiny
2.  Desirae Beaumont
3.  Bobbi Laval
4.  Abel Halderman
5.  Harbor Piers
6.  MarkFoo Waverider
7.  Triston Mayo
8.  Lynda Mimulus
9.  Sunrize Mornington
10.  Colleen Brennan

To see the complete ranking for all SLSA competitive surfers, go to

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1 comment:

Abel Halderman said...

Please, let me be very selfish now.... WTG Colleen!!!!